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Feb 28, 2022, 101 tweets

A Thread For List of series I have ever watched(Part 1)
Series 1-100
#TvSeries #Kdrama #Anime
Some of my fav'sπŸ‘‡

1. #TheFlash (133epi - 6S - Currently Watching)
My First Ever series.
Started watching On - 07.11.2017
First Few seasons are great but after that becomes very average..

S01 - 4.75
S02 - 4.25/5
S03 - 4/5
S04-S05 - 3.25
S06 - 2.75/5

#Shows2blue #CW #DC

2. #StrangerThings (25epi - 3S)
Started Watching On - 12.12.2017
Great One

S01,S02 - 4.5/5
S03 - 4.25/5

#Shows2blue #

3. #SuperGirl (65epi - 3S - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 19.12.2017
First season was good but after that 😴. Dropped after season 3.

S01 - 3.75/5
S02 - 3.25/5
S03 - 2.75/5

#Shows2blue #CW #DC

4. #Arrow (90epi - 5S - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 27.12.2017
First season is always great for all CW shows... Stopped after season 5
S01 - 4.25
S02-S04 - 3.5
S05 - 3

#Shows2blue #Cw #DC

5. #Breathe (8epi - 1S - Completed)
Started Watching On - 03.02.2018
My favourite indian series
S01 - 4.5/5
#Shows2blue #Prime #Indian

6. #TheBossBaby (13epi - 1S - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 09.04.2018
Movie was better
S01 - 2.5/5
#Shows2blue #Animation

7. #BreakingBad (62epi - 5S - Completed)
Started Watching On - 03.09.2018
Walter White MassπŸ’₯πŸ’₯
S4,S5 - 5/5
S1,S2 - 4.25/5
S3 - 3.75/5

8. #13ReasonsWhy (13epi - S1 - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 20.11.2018
Fucking depressing, stressful and sad at the same time...
Don't watch other seasons..just stop after season 1..
S01 - 5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

9. #IronFist (13epi - 1S - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 11.06.2019
Pretty good first season..
S01 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Marvel #Netflix

10. #SexEducation (24epi - 3S - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 26.06.2019
Watchable one..
S02 -3.5/5
S01,S03 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

11. #The100 (100epi - 7S - Completed)
Started Watching On - 11.09.2019
Pretty entertaining binge worthy one
S01,S02 - 4.25/5
S03,S04,S05 - 4/5
S06,S07 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #CW

12. #Lucifer (6S - 93epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 02.07.2019

Great One...

S4 - 5/5
S1,S2,S3 - 4.75/5
S5 - 4.25/5
S6 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix #lucifermorningstar #Chloe

13. #Chernobyl (5epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 10.07.2019
S01 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #HBO

14. #TheVampireDiaries (100epi - S6 Middle - Will complete)
Started Watching On - 01.08.2019
Watching this for more than 2years.. will try to complete in another 2years..
S1,S2 - 3.75/5
S3,S4 - 3.5/5
S5 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Elena #Stefan #Damon

15. #NewGirl (60epi - 3S - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 01.08.2019
Started well and funny.. stopped watching once it is unfunny.
S01 - 3.75/5
S02 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Sitcom

16. #TheGoodDoctor (18epi - 1s - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 05.08.2019
Okay series
S01 - 3/5

17. #LoveDeathRobots (2S - 26epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 20.08.2019
Set of animated Anothology shortfilms..
Few are good and unique but mostly average..
#Shows2blue #Animation

18. #TheWalkingDead (11s - 160epi - Currently watching)
It was a great series but last few seasons are not upto the mark and boring.
Rick is major missing..
S1 - 4.75
S2-S6 - 4.5
S7- 4.25
S8-S9 - 3.5
S10 - 3
S11 P1 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #HBOMax

19. #TheBoys (2s - 16epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 20.08.2019
Brilliant and unique Superhero show..
S01 - 4.5/5
S02 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Prime

20. #Izombie (1s - 13epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 20.08.2019

21. #TheMandalorian (2s - 16epi - Ongoing)
Great series from star Wars franchise
S1 - 4.25/5
S2 - 3.75/5

22. #FRIENDS (10s - 236epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 05.11.2019
GOAT series
Fav of all time
Funniest Show ever
Favourite - #Ross
Only series I tried to watch 2times
Lots of haters too, asusual they will say it is unfunny😴😴

S1-S10 - 5/5, 10/10, 100/100


23. #HowIMetYourMother (9s - 206epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 17.12.2019

It is "Legen.... Wait for it......dary"...

S1-S9 - 4.25/5

#Shows2blue #Sitcom

24. #TheBigBangTheory (12s - 279epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 17.12.2019
Entertaining journey with bunch of introverts...
S3-S9 - 4.25/5
S2 - 3.5/5
S10-S12 - 3.25/5
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Sitcom

25. #MrRobot (4s - 45epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 28.12.2019
I don't care about the content when the series is fucking boring...
S04 - 4.25/5
S03 - 2.75/5
S01 - 2.5/5
S02 - 1.5/5

26. #MoneyHeist (5S - 48epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 29.12.2019
One of my top favourite...
Lots of Overrated daw guys for this series...
S1-S2 - 5/5
S3-S4 - 4.75/5
S5 P1 - 4.25/5
S5 P2 - 4.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix #Spanish

27. #TeenWolf (6s - 100epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 03.01.2022
Really a good werewolf vs vampire series
S1-S2 - 4.5/5
S3-S4,S6 - 3.75/5
S5 - 3/5

28. #You (3s - 30epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 04.01.2020
About Legend level Stalking and Toxic couple Joe and love...
S2 - 4.5/5
S1 - 4.25/5
S3 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

29. #TheGifted (2s - 29epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 06.01.2020
Season 2 was really great but sadly cancelled after season 2..
S2 - 4.5/5
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Marvel

30. #PrisonBreak (5s - 90epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 09.01.2020
Greatest Prison seriesπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Michael Scofield πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S1-S3 - 4.75/5πŸ”₯
S5 - 4.25/5
S4 - 3.75/5

31. #JessicaJones (3s - 39epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 09.01.2020
Watchable Fine superhero series...
S1-S3 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Marvel

32. #Titans (3s - 37epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 09.01.2020
Just another superhero series...
S1-S2 - 3.5/5
S3 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #HBOMax

33. #Vikings (2s - 19epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 11.01.2020
Watched 1st season on 2020 and tried 2nd season on 2021, I can't try anymore.. This series is too boring for me..
S1,S2 - 2.5/5

34. #Dark (3s - 26epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 27.01.2020
Greatest mindbending Time related series...
S1-S2 - 4.5/5
S3 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

35. #TheWitcher (1s - 8epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 02.02.2020
I didn't like it..
S1 - 2.5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

36. #EndOfTheFuckingWorld (2s - 16epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 22.02.2020
Weird one but really good..
S1-S2 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

37. #DeathNote (1s - 37epi - Completed)
1. #Anime2blue
Started Watching On - 23.02.2020
My first anime as an adult..
Light Yagami and L are just like professor, Sherlock and Michael Scofield..
I liked upto 25th Episode..
E1-E25 - 4.25/5πŸ”₯
E26-E37 - 3/5

38. #TrueBlood (1s - 12epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 25.02.2020
Just an okay vampire series.. stopped after season 1...
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #HBO

39. #IAmNotOkayWithThis (1s - 7epi - Completed I think)
Started Watching On - 28.02.2020
S1 Ended in a cliffhanger.. no idea about S2..
Interesting one..
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

40. #OrangeIsTheNewBlack (3s - 39 - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 06.03.2020
Prison series.. Started good but from 3rd season each episode feels like too long and boring.. so stopped..
Lots of lesbian bittu..but still turnoff...
S1-S2 - 3.5/5
S3 - 2.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

41. #Shadowhunters (1s - 13epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 07.03.2020
Forgot why I stopped after 1st season..
S1 - 3/5

#39. #Lost (6s - 120epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 25.02.2020
One of the all time best and unique series ever..
Combination of all the genres.
Each and every characters πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S1-S5 - 4.75/5πŸ”₯
S6 - 3.75/5

43. #Dexter (8s - 96epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 07.03.2020
Dexter MASSπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
GOAT Fictional Character πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S05 - 5/5πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S03,S04,S06 - 4.75/5πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S01 - 4.5/5πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S02,S07,S08 - 4.25/5πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

44. #Daybreak (1s - 10epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 09.03.2020
It's bad I think...
S1 - 2.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

45. #CoedConfidential (1s - 13epi - Can't find Link)
Started Watching On - 16.03.2020
My first erotic series.. overall 4seasons, but can't able to find proper link for other seasons..
S1 - 2.25/5 Rating doesn't matter

46. #Euphoria (2s - 16epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 17.03.2020
S2 - 4.25/5
S1 - 3.25/5

46. #RickAndMorty (5s - 51epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 15.03.2020

Great animated sci fi series...
S4 - 3.75/5
S1-S3 - Didn't note..

47. #Seinfeld (9s - 180epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 15.03.2020
It is funny and entertaining but there is no main storyline.. Random things happening in each episode.. Usually Friends Haters simp this series..
S4 - 4.25/5
S2-S3,S5-S7,S9 - 3.75
S1 - 3.25/5

48. #TheOffice (9s - 201epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 15.03.2020
GOAT sitcom.. Make you laugh without any "background laugh Track"
This is the type of office corporate people need...
S2-S9 - 4.75/5πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯
S1 - 2.5/5
#Shows2blue #Sitcom

49. #Sherlock (4s - 12epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 18.03.2020
Kudos to the dubbing crew and the subtitlist
No one can watch this Great series without Subtitle..

S3 - 4.5/5
S2,S4 - 4.25/5
S1 - 3.25/5

50. #TheGirlfriendExperience (1s - 13epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 18.03.2020
Morning la Corporate worker and night la item..
Not bad...
S1 - 3.25/5

51. #ChillingAdventuresOfSabrina (4s - 35epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 24.03.2020
Average to good...
S1 - 3.75
S4 - 3.25/5
S2,S3 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

52. #TrueDetective (1s - 8epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 29.03.2020
Anthology series.. season1 was very famous but I didn't like it.. find it boring...
Maybe people liked it because of 2nd picπŸ‘‡ Scene
S1 - 2.25/5

53. #TheLeftovers (3s - 28epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 20.03.2020
Unique series..
Started as bad then turns into a really good one..
S2 - 4.25/5
S3 - 3.75/5
S1 - 3.25/5

54. #12Monkeys (4s - 47epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 20.03.2020
Lots of timetravel things are happening..
Simple and Clear.
2nd best Time related series after Dark..
S3,S4 - 4.25/5
S2 - 3.75/5
S1 - 3.25/5

56. #BodyGuard (1s - 6epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 30.03.2020
Mini series
Hooked me up from the 1st minute of the series itself..
S1 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

57. #TheLastShip (1s - 10epi - May watch rest)
Started Watching On - 31.03.2020
S1 - 3.25/5

58. #Kingdom (2s - 12epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 01.04.2020
1. #Kdrama2blue
Great zombie series
I kinda lost in season 2 because of Korean names. can't able to remember anything. Confusing
Didnt understand storyline.
S1 - 3.75/5
S2 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

59. #Salvation (2s - 26epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 02.04.2020
This show is so bad.. but the interesting storyline makes me wanna complete it till the end...

S1,S2 - 2.75/5


60. #Elite (4s - 32epi - Ongoing)
Great Highschool crime mystery.
Someone will be killed in each season and That season revolves around how that person got killed.
Very engaging from start till end..
S1-S3 - 4.5/5πŸ”₯
S4 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

61. #TheTick (2s - 22epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 05.04.2020
Bad superhero series..
S1,S2 - 2.25/5

62. #Narcoa (3s - 30epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 11.04.2020
Based on real Incidents..
Pablo Escobar πŸ”₯ - Verrry bad person...
S2 - 4.5/5
S3 - 4/5
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

63. #Unbelievable (1s - 8epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 14.04.2020
S1 - 3.75/5

#Shows2blue #Netflix

64. #WhenTheySeeUs (1s - 4epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 14.04.2020
Hard hitting real life incident about 4 boys.. Disturbing..
S1 - 4.5/5πŸ‘Œ
#Shows2blue #Netflix

65. #SacredGames (1s - 8epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 14.04.2020
Not a big fan of Indian gangstar dramas..
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Hindi

66. #WestWorld (2s - 20epi - Will watch)
Started Watching On - 14.04.2020
Liked the concept. But overall series didn't impress me much..
S1,S2 - 3.25/5

67. #AlteredCarbon (1s - 10epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 17.04.2020
Fucking boring....
S1 - 2/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

68. #Hannibal (3s - 39epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 21.04.2020
About cannibalism and killing psycho
Lots of gory scenes..
For one scene in s2, I even closed my eyes.. can't able to watch it...
S1 background music is headache...

S1,S2 - 3.75/5
S3 - 3/5

69. #Sense8 (2s - 24epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 18.04.2020
Well made sci-fi unique series.
Shot in 8 different countries. Such a complicated work done perfectly by a cast
Lots of 18+ scenes and few orgies..
Highly Recommended
S1 - 4.5/5
S2 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

70. #MastersOfSex (4s - 46epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 18.04.2020
Show is about 2 doctors researching sex and female orgasm and how it affect their lives.
Nice show. Chemistry between lead pair is top notch
There will be lot of scenes
S4 - 4
S1-S3 - 3.75

71. #TheManInTheHighCastle (4s - 40epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 21.04.2020
Interesting one.. Learnt a lot about WW2..
S1 - 4/5
S2-S4 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Prime

72. #PeakyBlinders (5s - 30epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 21.04.2020
Great start but it becomes slow and boring for me season by season...
S1 - 4.25/5
S2 - 3.75/5
S3,S4 - 3.25/5
S5 - 3/5

73. #TheHauntingOfHillHouse (1s - 10epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 24.04.2020
One of the best horror series..
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

74. #TheSpy (1s - 6epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 25.04.2020
Binge worthy mini series.. Based on real Incidents..
S1 - 4/5πŸ‘Œ

75. #BlackMirror (5S - 22epi- Ongoing)
GOATed Anthology Series
Focused on Dark and Disturbing things
S1E1 - Disturbing - 4.75/5
S1E2 - Sci-fi Disturbing - 4.5/5
S1E3 - Very Disturbing, dark, genuinely felt sad for the guy - 5/5
S2E1 - Romancing with Deadguy - 4.25/5


76. #Travelers (3s - 34epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 26.04.2020
Binge worthy one..
S1 - 4/5
S2 - 3.75/5
S3 - 3/5
#Series2blue #Netflix

77. #TheOA (2s - 16epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 28.04.2020
Netflix cancelled this series with a cliffhanger...
S1,S2 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

78. #TheHandmaidsTale (4s - 46epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 30.04.2020
Binge worthy one..
S2 and S3 are just disturbing and shocking. Lots of Mass moments also..
S2,S3 - 4.5/5πŸ”₯
S1 - 3.75/5
S4 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

79. #DontFuckWithCats (1s - 3epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 01.05.2020
Yes.. don't fuck with cats..
Climax 'basic instinct' movie reference sceneπŸ”₯
S1 - 3.5/5

#Shows2blue #Documentary #Netflix

80. #NeverHaveIEver (2s - 20epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 02.05.2020
S1,S2 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

81. #UnderTheDome (3s - 39epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 02.05.2020
Entertaining and engaging series with a unique storyline..
It had few issues, but a really good binge worthy stuff..
S2,S3 - 4/5
S1 - 3.75/5

82. #BrooklynNineNine (4S - 81epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 06.05.2020
Good sitcom but there are no main storyline...
So dropped in the middle of season 4..
S2 - 3.75/5
S1,S3 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Sitcom #B99

83. #DeadToMe (2s - 20epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 06.05.2020
Its good.. waiting for Season 3....
S2 - 4/5
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

84. #Barry (2s - 16epi - Ongoing)
Started Watching On - 06.05.2020
Also good...
Just waiting for season 3..
S2 - 4/5
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

85. #AlwaysSunny (15S - 162epi - Ongo)
Started Watching On - 08.05.2020
My 4th favourite sitcom.
It is just a trashy story about 5 trashy people
S5,S10,S12 - 4.25/5
S1-S4,S6-S7,S9,S11 - 4/5
S8,S13-S15 - 3.75/5

86. #ModernFamily (11S - 250epi - Completed)
It is very fun upto season 7.. later seasons not upto the level.. But still a good family sitcom....
S1-S7 - 3.5/5
S8-S11 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Sitcom

87. #IntoTheNight (1s - 6epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 09.05.2020
S1 - 2.5/5

88. #Utopia (2S - 12epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 14.05.2020
Pretty good series..
Great colors and cinematography..
This show helps me understand how horrible British accent is..
S2 - 3.75/5
S1 - 3.25/5

89. #Californication (7s - 84epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 20.05.2020
Lots of sex...
Nice family drama.....

S1,S2,S4,S8 - 3.75/5
S3 - 3.25/5
S5 - 3/5
S6 - 2.75/5

90. #Shameless (11s - 132epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 20.05.2020
Great series...
Combination of 18+ things and fun quality content..
Each and everyone characterisation is great..
S4 - 4.5/5
S1,S3,S5,S7 - 4.25/5
S2,S6,S8,S9,S11 - 4/5
S10 - 3.5/5

91. #LivingWithYourself (1s - 8epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 28.05.2020
Human clone concept.. Really fun and good...
S1 - 4/5

92. #PersonOfInterest (5S - 103epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 23.05.2020
Great One..
It is about a which AI predicts events before happening....
Highly recommended...
S3,S5 - 4.5/5πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
S1,S2,S4 - 4.25/5πŸ”₯

93. #CobraKai (4S - 38epi - Completed)
Started Watching On - 30.05.2020
Perfect Definition of Engaging and Entertainment..
Perfect binge worthy material...
S1-S3 - 4.5/5 πŸ”₯
S4 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

94. #DoomPatrol (1S - 15epi - Dropped)
Started Watching On - 31.05.2020
It was fun but I stopped after season 1..
S1 - 3.25/5


95. #Maniac (1s - 10epi - Completed)
Started on - 02.06.2020,
Ended on - 03.06.2020

Terrible series..
S1 - 2/5


96. #TheShannaraChronicles (2S - 20epi - Completed)
Started On - 03.06.2020
Ended on - 05.06.2020

Good fantasy series...
S1 - 4/5
S2 - 3.25/5

97. #DeadSet (1S - 5epi - Completed)
Started and ended On 05.06.2020

Concept is Zombie outbreak in bigg Boss house.. worth..

S1 - 4/5


98. #Upload (2S - 17epi - Ongoing)
Started on - 04.06.2020
Last epi on - 15.03.2022

This series is having unique storyline and also it is fun..
S01 - 4/5
S02 - 3.75/5

99. #ControlZ (2S - 16epi - Ongoing)
Started On - 04.06.2020
Last epi on - 01.10.2021

Suspenseful series.. season 1 was good.
S1 - 3.75/5
S2 - 3.25/5

100. #SwampThings (1S - 10epi - Completed)
Started On - 05.06.2020
Ended On - 06.06.2020

Liked it....
S1 - 3.75/5

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