Dan Ofer Profile picture
#Data scientist, #Researcher, Bioinformatician, Photographer, Geek & Bookworm. PhD @huji #AI @HebrewU @HyadataLab @liniallab

Jul 28, 2022, 15 tweets

Can DALLE answer riddles from the Hobbit? Let's find out!
#dalle #openai #experiment #dalle2 #aiart #AiArtwork #hobbit #LOTR #AI

This really is an easy riddle! #dalle2 #openai #dalle2 #aiart #AiArtwork #hobbit #LOTR #AI #riddles

(Except that the answer is mountains, not trees)

Honestly, butterflies and insects isn't bad. But it's hard to draw "Wind" #dalle2 #openai #dalle2 #aiart #AiArtwork #hobbit #LOTR #AI #riddles

It got dark right!
(Some of the riddles were filtered out by censored keywords - kill, ends life, slay)
#dalle #openai #dalle2 #aiart #AiArtwork #hobbit #LOTR #AI #dark #fantasy #hobbit #riddles

Bonus: I tried using to make me a shareable image for our protein language model work. Didn't work 😛 (And text is hard for it!).
#dalle #openai #experiment #dalle2 #aiart #figure #protein #bioinformatics #proteinBERT #bert #languagemodel #science

Bonus: From @OpenAI 's #DALLE : "An epic fantasy drawing of Mount Doom, in Morgoth from LOTR, in the style of Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Hiroshige)"
#dalle2 #aiart #mordor #fuji #art #dalle #tolkien #LOTR

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