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Journalist/Documentary maker. Ukraine specialist. Data expert (inc. Covid-19). Media trainer. Sports commentator. Buy me a coffee? https://t.co/MLLqpHi3vV

Nov 26, 2022, 23 tweets

It's Day 276 of #Russia's full invasion of #Ukraine.
It's also Holodomor Memorial Day, commemorating those starved to death by Moscow's regime in the genocide of the 1930s.

This is the daily news thread with all the news, views and analysis on events around the illegal war...

Another fairly quiet night. Long range missile attacks by #Russia confined to outbursts every few days it seems, while artillery pounds the usual targets in southern and eastern #Ukraine

If you missed anything on Friday's news feed, scroll through here:

The #UK's daily update paints an increasingly desperate picture for #Russia.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

A sharp increase in the number of #Russia's soldiers killed in battle in the last 24 hours.
Recent days have seen between 350 and 450, but today another 560 estimated dead according to #Ukraine, but little equipment destroyed.

#StopRussia #RussiansGoHome

Despite the rocket attacks, despite cuts to power and water, the people of #Kherson region are still relishing their hard-fought freedom.

Each day now the train from #Kyiv rumbles into the city and invariably someone in one of the villages comes to show support for #Ukraine!

The areas where #Russia's been suffering most losses have been #Donetsk and, until, liberation of the right bank, #Kherson

But now the occupied part of #Zaporizhzhia is one big graveyard.

RU bases in both #Melitopol + #Vesele struck by #Ukraine with 180 injured, likely 100 dead

* WARNING * 18+ video

Temperatures below 0c in much of #Ukraine this morning, but power in #Kyiv restored after just 4-5 hours of heat & light in the previous 72 hours

Now imagine fighting in these conditions. Russians are often ill prepared and left to freeze. This nr #Bakhmut

This school in Occupied #Melitopol' was being repaired when war broke out; #Russia's goons stole building materials.

Now, with more newly mobilised Russians arriving they're turning the school into a barracks. To prevent attacks by resistance fences are erected, trees cut down

#Russia may kill #Belarus 'leader' Lukashenka and blame Ukraine.

That's a claim in this report citing "Russian military sources" with two objectives. Russia can take control of the Belarusian army and give the people a cast-iron reason to join the war.


#Ukraine by night. Startling photo taken from space by NASA.

The country's outline hardly needs marking, the lack of light during the power cuts does the job😥


#Ukraine's Resistance in #Enerhodar is active!

Rumours abound that #Russia is preparing to leave the town and more importantly, the nuclear reactor.

"Enerhodar is Ukraine" says one popular poster seen on the streets, while yellow ribbons and markings are also visible.

#Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is in #Kyiv this morning.

He's already visited the #Holodomor memorial on #Maidan to pay tribute to the victim's of the genocide.

Poland has always been one of #Ukraine's strongest supporters.



In #Dnipro many victims reported as a missile hits a residential area.



#Dnipro explosion

Not too much is known so far, but six people immediately known to be injured as #Russia's rocket hit a quiet area of the city.



Another video from the scene in #Dnipro

#SaveUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState

It's now known that 3 missiles hit #Dnipro in today's attack by #Russia. Although no-one has died, one person is missing who was thought to be in a warehouse where rescuers are removing rubble.

13 people were injured, four hospitalised, two seriously injured.


This is noteworthy after the story earlier about #Russia maybe planning to get rid of #Lukashenka

Today the Foreign Minister of #Belarus has "died suddenly"

Vladimir Makei was just 64. He was Head of Luka's illegitimate administration and FM since 2012.


I'm currently in #Germany and pleasantly surprised to see #Holodomor memorial day leading the @tagesschau news bulletin.

This week 6 more countries have recognised the man-made famine as genocide. Yet not the #UK - why is that @JamesCleverly and @RishiSunak?

Despite #Russia's best efforts to expel, kill or terrify the #Ukraine supporters in occupied #Crimea, there is still a Resistance movement, even in #Simferopol, the most Russified city.

Yellow ribbons are still found for a short while until authorities seize or paint over them.

This made me laugh! #Ukraine has not invaded #Russia...

But many locals in #Tver, 100 miles north-west of #Moscow, were in shock and frightened to see a column of military vehicles emblazoned with Ukraine flags

Sadly, they were just a filming.

A mother weeps uncontrollably as her new born baby is laid to rest after becoming another of #Russia's victims.

Little Serhiy died just two days after his birth when the Terrorist State bombed the maternity ward of the hospital in #Vilniansk near #Zaporizhzhia.


Another heart breaking tale & war crimes in #Kherson region

26yo Serhiy's father stopped answering his calls on 10 Nov. After liberation he went to Lviv Otruby.

His dad and his adoptive mum were eventually found in shallow graves, on top of each other, shot at close range.

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