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Dec 12, 2022, 20 tweets

Thought I’d share some of the #books I have read this year! Didn’t think I’d done much #reading this year but I’ve definitely done better than I thought! #BookRecommendations #BookLover #ReadingList

First up Chasing New Horizons - the story of the New Horizons satellite journey to #Pluto. A fascinating look at the project and how it all came together. #ILovePluto

Next up another space related book. #Curiosity the story of the not so little #Mars rover. I really enjoyed this book as the background to the projects is fascinating. So many projects nearly don’t see the light of day. #Space #Technology #ReadingList #BookTwitter

Next up in my #ReadingList2022 is Fighting For Space by @AmyShiraTeitel I loved this book, the story of women fighting for the right to become #astronauts in the USA against a backdrop of the first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova.

Now this is probably the best fictional book I’ve read this year and it may be the only one! But it was brilliant. You may have heard of it but if you haven’t read it do! #LessonsInChemistry by @BonnieGarmus is not something you put down!

Back to #Space A look behind the scenes of the #Apollo program. #ReadingList2022 #BookLover #ReadMoreBooks

Ok time for the next one. Now this book was a recommendation from @MichaelGLFlood and it was a truely hard read. I had to read it in bits as it was so challenging. I am glad I made it through Angry White Men it was worth the effort.

This is one of my favourite books! I was engrossed and loved the story of @AstroSamantha and her journey. A brilliant book and great insight into life in #Space as a woman. #ReadingList2022 it is quite possible was a 2021 book but it’s worth mentioning again as it’s so good!

Ok now this is a good one if you are looking for great #space insights. Not only does this book contain insights from the brilliant @APHCrane and the wonderful @Coleman_Ethics, Kaylee Verrier, Jessica West and @CassandraSteer are also excellent. Military Space Ethics 👏👏👏

It’s starting to seem like all I have read is #Space related books! Well that might be the case but #TheFirstAstronomers is well worth it’s place on this list! The book contains so many interesting histories of Indigenous peoples and their relationships with the skies. #Reading

Ow this book from Cathy O’Neil is absolute essential reading if you want to understand how data is used against you. How data can impact #DiversityAndInclusion and what a lack of data can mean. Honestly if you haven’t read it just do it. #Brilliant #Reading

I like to collect signed copies of books by #WomenAuthors and this book by @kascribe is one of those. A great and inspiring book telling the stories of both the struggles and successes of women pilots in Australia. Loved it! #ReadingList2022

So this was great read in part because it affirmed some things for me and in part because it’s full of great tips. Plus it’s by lovely Queensland local @melkettle. This would a great read over the summer holidays looking to go into the new year refreshed.

Ok we this is the #book I just finished. Think like a feminist discusses all the types of feminism and how they relate to each other. It is a really good book, a hard read at times but worth it. This was suggested to me by @jeninebeek and I am thankful!

Ok so the new year has crept up on me and I still haven’t finished my list! This one should definitely be on your reading list if you are exploring #DEI. The authority gap is sobering reading and fits well with the #book What Works by Iris Bonnet. “The Authority Gap”

Now for some local authors to finish my list in time for the new year! A brilliant #space resource edited by the wonderful @CassandraSteer & Matthew Hersch. If you are interested in #space Policy, ethics and law it’s a must read. Interesting and right up to date. “War & Peace”

Next up is @mcookhistory - River with a City Problem. This book is well worth a read and not only if you are interested in Brisbane #history. We were also lucky to have Margaret join us on the @1OrbitalSunrise podcast earlier this year. A fascinating journey into flooding.

Last up is @JuliaGillard and @NOIweala - an in depth look at #womenleaders and how they have succeeded in many different environments also how they have been challenged by systems not designed for them. A real insight into real women leaders. “Women In Leadership”

So that’s my 2022ish list. I am looking forward to 2023, which I have already started with some Christmas gifts I received. I am keen to here what is on your list and what I should be reading this year! Happy New Year and I hope you have the support to navigate it. ❤️

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