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Mar 10th 2023
šŸ“ššŸ”’šŸ‘€ Need a good book this weekend? Want to be a Detection Engineer? Want to level up your detection game? Look no further! Check out my personal reading recommendations on the history and evolution of detection. #cybersecurity #detectionengineering #books #readinglist šŸ¤“šŸ“–
1ļøāƒ£ First up is "An Intrusion Detection Model" by Dorothy Denning, a pioneering 1987 paper that proposes a model for intrusion detection consisting of data collection, analysis, and management.
2ļøāƒ£ "Detection Engineering: Defending Networks with Purpose" by Peter Di Giorgio discusses the importance of custom detection logic in network security.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
Thought Iā€™d share some of the #books I have read this year! Didnā€™t think Iā€™d done much #reading this year but Iā€™ve definitely done better than I thought! #BookRecommendations #BookLover #ReadingList
First up Chasing New Horizons - the story of the New Horizons satellite journey to #Pluto. A fascinating look at the project and how it all came together. #ILovePluto A picture of a Lego figure ...
Next up another space related book. #Curiosity the story of the not so little #Mars rover. I really enjoyed this book as the background to the projects is fascinating. So many projects nearly donā€™t see the light of day. #Space #Technology #ReadingList #BookTwitter A picture of a Lego figure ...
Read 20 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
How to use "MoSCoW" principle to get rid of BS in your life

Also known as "MuSCoW".

A #prioritization technique developed by a consultant at Oracle.

Here's when and how to use it
PLUS a bonus tip at the end...šŸ‘‡ Image
Use it if you want to know know:

ā€¢ Which features should a website have?
ā€¢ Which books should you read this year?
ā€¢ Which tasks should you do today?
ā€¢ Etc
#ToDoList #ReadingList #WebDesign

Here's how it works:
Divide things into four categories:

ā€¢ Must ā€” Absolutely necessary.

ā€¢ Should ā€” Other things that help you with goals.

ā€¢ Could ā€” Nice to have or do (if you have time left).

ā€¢ Wouldn't ā€” Must NOT be done.

Then start with a "Must" list.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
Want to learn how the brain works, why humans value what we value, and how to persuade value based decisions?

Hereā€™s your reading list:
Thinking Fast and Slow
Predictably Irrational
The Undoing Project
The Persuasion Code

Barking Up the Wrong Tree
7 Secrets of Persuasion
Invisible Influence
What Your Customer Wants andā€¦Canā€™t Tell You
Thinking In Bets
The Upside to Irrationality
Dollars and Sense

This is a crash course in behavioral economics, basically. It helps readers identify how WE are persuaded as well as how to persuade.

This is intimately connected with what we value and why we make the value based decisions we do.

Read 5 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
"Using a laboratory rheometer, we measure failure mechanics of the eponymous Oreoā€™s ā€œcremeā€ and probe the influence of rotation rate, amount of creme, and flavor on the stressā€“strain curve and postmortem creme distribution." -- Owens, Fan, Hart, McKinleyā€¦
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
"If weā€™re going to face up to the seemingly insurmountable tasks ahead, hope isnā€™t a luxury; itā€™s a necessity." "Imagining a better future ... isnā€™t about escaping from reality, itā€™s about finding your way when you're feeling lost."--Peter Hemmingerā€¦
Elegant Six-Page Proof Reveals the Emergence of Random Structure | Quanta Magazineā€¦
#KahnKalaiConjecture, #MathematicalProof, #EmergentStructures, #RandomSets
Read 13 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
Designing public institutions that foster cooperationā€¦

#OrganizationDesign #PublicInstitutions #cooperation
Expiratory aerosol particle escape from surgical masks due to imperfect sealingā€¦

#AerosolParticles #SurgicalMasks #sealing #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
The #COVID19 pandemic has triggered a global crisis, but its impact is not shared equally.

Social hierarchies, inequalities, and injustice reproduced during the pandemic have added to existing challenges faced by vulnerable categories of people. #Thread Image
The fear of contagion ignited by #Covid19 has renewed old associations between dirt, disease, and particular communities.

@kanthiswaroop and Joel Lee discuss society's reaction to sanitation workers during the pandemic.ā€¦
The #COVID19 lockdown has disturbed the lives and livelihoods of tribals and forest dwellers.

Minaketan Behera and Preksha Dassani emphasise on food security and protection mechanisms to help the communities.ā€¦
Read 15 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
šŸšØBest Books on Quant Investing

šŸ¤Thanks for Recommending the best books @a_basumallick

šŸ“šā€¦ Image
To Understand Quant in action visit @Quantindia

Disc: Not vested, Not an affiliate partner.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Travelling through #India you can't miss such boulder heaps...

Think of Hampi's ruins (below) or Sravanabelagola (Karnataka), or Mt Abu (Rajasthan)?

#DidYouKnow, such isolated hill/ridge features that jut out from the surrounding plains are called #inselbergs?

#Geo thread/ Geology: inselberg formation at Hampi, Karnataka, India
Derived from German words meaning 'island mountain', #inselbergs are residual features that form across climatic zones.

Yet are most abundant in tropical regions with granite-gneiss outcrops, like those on the cratons across India, as also in the zones marked BCG, CGC, and SGT. Map in the publication, The Indian Peninsula: Geomorphic Lan
Debates rage on how #inselbergs formed, yet most concede they are the result of weathering (breaking down of rocks at site) and erosion (transport of weathered material).

In #India, insolation (heat from sun's rays), rainwater, and rivers have shaped landscapes for millennia. Hampi's boulder inselbergs with the river Tungabhadra snakin
Read 10 tweets
May 29th 2020
Well, seeing as Iā€™m working on updating #ANE #ReadingList for next semesterā€™s teaching, glad to give my two-centsā€™ worth! (1/

@Moudhy @srdjanluzajic
First up, the classic intro book is Van De Mieroopā€™s ā€˜A History of the Ancient Near Eastā€™. This is standard, solid overview that has been recently updated and includes the protohistorical period and balanced use of sources. (2/ā€¦
For a different flavour, thereā€™s Liveraniā€™s ā€˜The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economyā€™, which brings together many of Liveraniā€™s influential ideas in the field. Original from 1988, but this is a revised 2014 English edition. (3/ā€¦
Read 5 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Best investing podcasts (1/2):

>> @farnamstreet with @Sanjay__Bakshi on "Why Mental Models":

>> Life lessons from @RayDalio :

>> @naval with @farnamstreet :

>> Knowledge Project: Image
Best investing podcasts (2/2):

>> @shyamsek on @ithoughtadviser:

>> Stoic Series:

>> @RajeevThakkar :

>> Journey of @nooreshtech :

>> Moat Investing: Image
Thematic Investing Resources:

>> Accounting manipulations:

>> Technical Analysis:

>> Valuation:

>> Financial analysis:

>> Classics: Image
Read 19 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
I am proud of pastors who chose to move to virtual services today! Good choice, sisters and brothers! In this time of isolation there is REAL potential to transform our churches, if we leverage this period as an opportunity to thicken our gospel. 1/ #COVIDćƒ¼19 #virtualchurch
In his book, Prayer, @FosterEveryday says connection w/ God happens in the silence. Could this be opportunity for national #soulreset? Could it be an opportunity for us to connect w/ God againā€”through deeper introspection and intentional listening to voices usually overlooked? 2/
Iā€™d like to recommend #fivebooks for pastors to dive into with their congregations over the next 2-3 weeks; while we have the blessing of this national #soulreset. 3/ #COVIDćƒ¼19 #SocialDistancing
Read 13 tweets
Jan 16th 2019
Letā€™s talk about #lectures in HigherEducation
.@LangOnCourse alerts us to: When should we lecture in class? Excellent examples and analysis of the (positive) role of the lecture from @dgooblarā€¦ #teaching #learning #lecture
.@mariosbham comments on "#Lectures: a much-maligned format which can be truly inspirational" #HigherEducationā€¦
Read 48 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
0/ Thread. Having spent some time with @Nicolas_Colin on his new book HEDGE about #tech, #entrepreneurship, social #policy and the future of the Safety Net, I'm sharing some things that stuck with me, and why HEDGE is one for the ā˜€ļøšŸ“ššŸ“ #readinglistā€¦
1/ @Nicolas_Colin is thought-provoking not least because of his vantage point - graduated from the French ENA, worked at the top of the French civil service, set up his own company, and invests in startups all over šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ with @_TheFamily
2/ Im not one for party politics, and HEDGE isn't about that. It's a book that speaks to the zeitgeist of the #techlash and ways for #startup #founders and #politicians to think about smart, sensible policies to build an inclusive Safety Net 2.0 šŸ“–
Read 14 tweets

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