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Mar 19, 2023, 9 tweets

#Mediapooli @JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en
#mRNA-#YLE valehtelee veronmaksajille jälleen pimeän tullen, kahdessa peräkkäisessä lähetyksessä 19.3.2023, kuin varas
-"#Venäjä pommitti sivilien suojana toimineen #Mariupol'in teatteria, satoja ihmisisä kuoli."…

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #Humanitarian mission near #Sartana, we met a large number of people who had just fled #Mariupol.
- Among these #civilians was #Nikolay, who agreed to tell us on camera what happened with the #MaternityHospital and the #theatre in #Mariupol

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ KimDotcom
The #IntlCrimCourt that we don’t recognize has issued an arrest warrant against #Putin for #evacuating #children from a #Warzone that is getting #shelled with OUR #weapons -we #killed over 20 #million people in 37 victim nations since #WW2.

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #US threatens to #arrest #ICC #judges if they pursue #Americans for #Afghan #WarCrimes | 10/09/2018
-#WhiteHouse Nat Sec Advisor J. #Bolton called the #Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright #dangerous" to the #US, #Israel and other #allies…

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ SecPompeo
Today I'm announcing a policy of #US #visa restrictions on individuals directly responsible for any #ICC investigation of U.S. personnel. The U.S. has not joined ICC bc of its broad, unaccountable powers, and its threat to our sovereignty.

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #US #bars entry to #ICC investigators | 15/03/2019
- action taken by the US #against the ICC
- “The ICC is attacking America’s #RuleOfLaw#Pompeo told reporters. “It’s not too late for the court to change course and we urge that it do so immediately.”…

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #Israel Thanks #US for Targeting #IntlCrimCourt Probe: ‘This Court Has Lost its Way’ | MAR 21, 2019
-“..the court engages in unwarranted and #politicized efforts to target the states that are committed to the #RuleOfLaw #Netanyahu said…

@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ SecPompeo
Today I'm announcing a policy of #US #visa restrictions on individuals directly responsible for any #ICC #investigation of U.S. personnel. The U.S. has not joined ICC... We will protect our citizens.

cc: @ Ukraine66251776
#Putin drives on #Mariupol's roads
Cabal media has a meltdown
Mariupol will be developed as a #resort and #tech city.
The #Azovstal steel factory will be converted to a world #BusinessPark
#Kiev #Bakhmut #UkraineRussianWar

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