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Frédéric Grosshans @fgrosshans
7 years ago, 12 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
Seated for a seminar by Aephraim Steinberg grom @UofT : How to count one photon and get a result of 1000 – and other experiments on quantum measurement

mentions Aephraim Steinberg’s main question: “Can we ask what a particle was doing before we observed it?”
E.g., a particle can be in one of 3 boxes A, B, C, prepared in superposition A+B. Postselected on a measurement finding it in B+C, what was its probability to be in A?

mentions Aephraim Steinberg answer below:

0, because of the psot-selection
Aephraïm Steinberg: use cold ⁸⁵Rb to measure cross phase shifts down to pulses with ⟨n⟩=1 (coherent states). He also sees non-linear phase-shift on post-selected single photons.
Aephraim Steinberg: The difference in average photon number post selected on a click and no-click event is always exctly 1 photon, which allows to measure the dephasing by a single quantum, without any calibration.
Aephraim Steinberg extends that to weak measurements using pointer states. It was introduced in PRL 60 1351…
by Aharonov, Albert, Vaidman. IT leads to paradoxes, which people either find interesting to investigate or see as proof it’s senseless #LTQI
Aephraim Steinberg: Essentially, the post selection leads to arenormalization of the average value of the operator A, corresponding to the pointer state. We have ⟨f|A|i⟩/⟨f|i⟩. It can lead to “too high” values #LTQI
Aephraim Steinberg thus observed a 8-photn like NL phaseshift on a pst-selected single photon. Surprizingly, there is a classical interpretation (in his specifc regime), if one thinks in terms on field, and take into account the quantum noise. #LTQI
Aephraim Steinberg now moes to part II, starting with a game. Alice choses |ψ⟩ ant random sends |ψ⟩^⊗n to Bob, Bob should, much letter guess the result on a spin measurement by Alice on |ψ⟩. What is Bob’s best strategy, depending on his quantum memory. #LTQI
Aephraim Steinberg experimentally plays this game with 3 qubits, and only 2 qubits of memory, compressing it using a Schur Transform. He did this optically arxiv:1410.3941 / PRL 113 160504…
Aephraim Steinberg: looks at the way to clock the time for a particle to go through a tunelling barrier. A solution is a Larmor clock (Baz’,Rybachenko, Buttinger 1983), with a B field inside the barrier. He plans to demonstrate it with cold atoms
Aephraim Steinberg is also working, with Stacy Jeffery and Barry Sanders, on an implementation of quantum homomorphic encryption #LTQI
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