One way we come up with ideas is to observe what everyone else knows to be true—that maybe just aint so.
This means a thought experiment intentionally imagining an extreme, improbable, absurdist position...
BUT—what if it there was an directional arrow of progress that pointed to privacy still mattering—but just WAY LESS?
Young people born into a world of sharing + oversharing (photos, location, relationship status, resumes, vacations—& most recently a public feed of payments who is paying who + how much(Venmo)...
As things once taboo become normalized, people share, MORE.
Consider just 2 things people in the past invested lots of energy to HIDE + keep PRIVATE + SECRET which they now comfortably if not proudly share:
homosexuality, mental health.
”Transparent Tails” vs. “Covert Curve”
There’s a bifurcation of privacy at the tails.
At one end: the Young & Richless (poor) care less about revealing.
Many joke + self-depricatingly commiserate that they are ‘dead-ass broke’.
Let’s say a caricatured version of Leon Black @ Apollo
Forbes publicly reports + reveals his wealth—let’s roughly say it’s $2.4Billion
Let’s say he also reveals he just spent ~$110M on a Picasso...
The ONLY people who care are those whose status is threatened by revelation—
the “massive middle”, the “covert curve”
Those who fake it or whose status or SIGNALING of status would be threatened if truth revealed they in truth had less $ or more debt than they represented
In US we prize privacy.
In some countries everyone knows everything about everyone—including salaries
Notably GDPR began in Germany
Merkel grew up in E. Berlin under Stasi
a thrust to privacy was natural directional counter-reaction
I guessed: $10 off their mo bill...
Many people are willing to give up their data...for less than $1 a month (!)
BEDROOM (both dignity preserving)
BANK accts
That leaves health + search history
You dont want PRIVACY
You want assurance your info can’t be used against u to reduce your status or opportunities or let others have leverage over u...