They did nothing to hold Scott Pruitt accountable.
They held no hearings, laughed off oversight, and in the Speaker’s case, claimed they didn’t even know it was happening. 1/
But the public still learned about what Pruitt did, thanks to organizations who fought Pruitt’s attacks on the environment with lawsuits which revealed his coordination with polluters and lobbyists. 2/
In the age of Pruitt it was reporters, not Congressional Committees, which found the truth, and reported it to the American people.
They did so in the face of relentless secrecy and occasional abuse from Pruitt and his people. 3/
I requested several of them, and many others were sought by colleagues. If you look, you will see that the core information in every letter and IG request has a footnote with a citation to a news story. 4/
Our minority opposition, our organizational groundwork, our grassroots activism all depends on a free press.
It has never been more important than now. 5/5