I have always felt that nothing of our country justifies the LARGE number of Awards.
It is time to raise that Threshold even higher. Really.
You see, I hardly ever remember that one is a CFR.
Life is so much more than things like Awards.
Yes. Don’t be taken by ‘Awards’.
It has cost us most of our Values and replaced them with dominant vices.
The obsession for Money, Power, Influence, Status, Honors & Awards has been the undoing of many who once held strong Values.
My response is, “Not so intended, just that our backgrounds define us.”
My Dad often told us, “We do not have riches, but we are Wealthy in Values.”
I VALUE Values.
Whereas money, possessions, power, status, recognitions may disappear, yet your Values ENDURE.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Mark8v36
King Solomon was legendary. Great in wisdom, wealth & power beyond anyone else. He said, “All is Vanity”.
We should diligently work to EXCEL in all spheres of Life, create wealth, attain power, greatness and influence, achieve honor & such like.
BUT, never do so @ the EXPENSE of your Values.
Ecclesiastes 2:1-2
Ecclesiastes 2:3
Ecclesiastes 2:4-6
Ecclesiastes 2:7
Ecclesiastes 2:8
Ecclesiastes 2:9
Ecclesiastes 2:10