and that's most of us to some extent, whether aware of it or not. This is is why big companies hand out food pellets of achievement at scientifically calibrated intervals.
Honestly, I can see how this is a more equitable and rewarding game mechanic than playing the startup lottery -- and I don't mean the $
You may have to choose between company you love and role you want to experience.
(There's probably something wrong with those of us who are restless with such a cushy sweet gig.)
FB directors were flummoxed. "Then... What do they *care* about?"
<FB> but how do you get them to do what *you* want them to?
<me> 😮🤔
or opportunities arise and you go "huh, $x might make this long shot actually happen."
Startups: better for your health and finances than a serious long term gambling addiction.**
**Probably. Not by much.
To be clear, the meritocracy is a lie and you sense of control is 98% illusion. But damn we will do anything for that 2%.