We've been slowly working through gov't red tape since about July 2017.
- How do we get money?
- How do we give it to the Gov't?
- How do we make sure they only spend it on the wall?
The first is simple, technically; but we knew it needed to be tax-deductible so that was key item #1.
It took us until early August 2018 to get a determination back that we were approved.
So, the input side is done: donations are tax deductible on Federal returns and tech stack to donate is built.
If we couldn't find a way, it was a show-stopper.
It says we can give money to DHS and put conditions on what it can be used for, as long as the conditions for use are within the DHS' mission. So far, so good.

It's a request for us to help them get the resources to receive the donations, isn't it?
We waited to hear back from the IRS with written confirmation of our non-profit status approval & put together a multi-mode escalation campaign.
- Email President Trump directly
- Send mail to WH
- Tweet Trump & many other celebs
- Ramp social media messaging 10x
- Tweet at @45SuggestionBox
- DM many conservative influencers
Plus other things I'm probably forgetting.
Each day we have ramped up the intensity of the campaign as more and more people become aware.
Tomorrow the phone calls start, the rest of the pressure will remain in place & continue to ramp.
So: here's our ask. If you agree with our concept, we can talk about petitions and retweeting things & all, but this will come to relationships.
No petitions required, no legislation either.
We have money!
When will DHS accept it?
Who can help us #FundTheWall?