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FundTheWall @FundThatWall
6 years ago, 26 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
A lot of people ask how we can justify being a nonprofit. How is building a border wall a charity case? We had to answer that for ourselves before we could even begin the process. We knew if donations weren't tax deductible there was no point in even starting to #FundTheWall.
A simple reading of the definition of a charity according to the IRS shows we have a solid basis: "erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works;", The wall is a public work. It doesn't say WE have to build it, just that the money has goes to it GETTING built.
We could go on a tangent here, about whether a "border SYSTEM" including ground sensing radar, microphone arrays, drones, etc. is a public work. We think it probably is. For right now, we'll focus on the wall and come back to the rest once the flow of money is moving.
This was the justification we used with the IRS and they did not question it. In fact, we had found a precedent of an existing organization that had gotten a determination for the same reason. If someone tries to challenge this org, that will be one way they try to do it.
So let's pretend someone comes and tries to undercut that justification. What are some other ways that building the public work of a "secure border system" justified as a charity? Let's take each definition in turn.

"relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged;"
Well, are CBP agents distressed by the conditions they're working in? Just yesterday we learned the National Guard troops bolstering the CBP at the border have been ordered to stay for another year.

Would a wall be providing them relief?…
A border wall + system prevents the masses from entering the country and overwhelming our systems. These resources can then be used to help the homeless within our own country.

Isn't that providing relief to the distressed/underprivileged in its own way?…
Are the people of our communities who are terrorized and attacked by MS-13 members distressed?

Does building a wall and securing our border relieve some of that distress?…
We could add infinite examples.

Is this family in Oregon distressed this week?

We think so. Building a border wall and reducing illegal immigration not only relieves their distress but also helps prevent future distressed families.…
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 68% of Likely U.S. Voters think illegal immigration is a serious problem in America today"

68% of America is distressed over illegal immigration!…
"lessening neighborhood tensions;"

We'll leave this one to you in Twitter land. How does getting a wall built and securing our borders "lessen neighborhood tensions" in your opinion?…
"eliminating prejudice and discrimination;"

Businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens are discriminating against legal American workers to whom they have to pay at least minimum wages.

A secure border cuts off the supply of this labor.…
Does a policy such as this discriminate against legal citizens? Does it prejudice illegal aliens over out-of-state potential students?

We don't have an opinion, but why even have the debate?

Stop illegal aliens from coming & it doesn't matter.…
"defending human and civil rights secured by law;"

Illegal aliens have no right to enter our country. We have a right to be secure in our property. Many would argue one of the only reasons for government to exist is protection: of our rights & property.
A few years ago, it was decided that our border with Mexico looked like this 👇👇👇

Our government has been trying to keep it secure ever since, and it takes manpower and it takes technology. It takes a significant amount of resources.
One of those resources is money. Straight up money to pay contractors to build the wall where it's appropriate. That is priority number one because it has the most obvious impact and goes straight to the heart of the problem.

Interdict new illegal crossers & contraband.
This is why the focus of American Border Foundation as you meet us is to GET THE FLOW OF MONEY TO DHS MOVING.

The petition drive is a big part of that and there is a LOT going on behind the scenes. You've seen that come to light over the past few weeks.…
Once we do that there are many other ways we can fulfill a charitable mission on top of this.

CBP needs agents just as bad as they need a wall. They're distressed too! If they had enough agents staffed, would they need National Guard backup?…
We can partner with organizations like the Border Patrol Foundation to help them further their mission and complement it.…
The more we can help people WANT to be CBP agents the better off the country is. There are a lot of reasons why that is and we will get into those once the first phase is in place.…
We could go on all night about that but we'll tie it all up with this note: @___Justyce___ has been with us since the beginning and is an architectural designer and animator.

"erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works"
Lots of you ask about buying a brick, or getting your name on the wall itself if you donate.

We won't get to tell them HOW to build the wall. It would probably take an act of Congress to get someone's name inscribed on it. We will cross that bridge.
We thought about sending plaques or bricks or certificates to people as a memento of your donation, but we thought: let's get ALL the money to the DHS.

If people GET this, and want to do it, they won't need a brick, or a plaque.

But, it is nice to be remembered for helping.
So our goal which we view as a doable middle ground is to acquire a piece of land adjacent to the border and build a monument that's actually worth visiting to memorialize CBP agents who've been killed + injured in the line of duty, and angel families who've given so much.
But first we #FundTheWall, and then we can start working on that. There is plenty to do in the meantime! But this gives you a bit of foreshadowing of what's to come. First we fix the problem and when the symptoms are going away we celebrate what we fixed with the monument.
So, if anybody ever asks how the heck this is a charity, #NowYouKnow. By virtually every definition we fit the bill. We appreciate your support and we at American Border Foundation look forward to putting these resources you entrust us with to good use!
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