You get pulled over for speeding. You get a ticket. You can’t afford to pay. Your license is suspended.
You get pulled over again. For driving without a license, you owe more.
It keeps happening. Eventually, you go to jail.

You keep driving. You keep ending up in jail.
You now owe thousands of dollars.

As of January 2018, there were approximately 1.4 million records of people ineligible to obtain their licenses under this program.

The idea was simple: hold bad drivers responsible and keep them off the road by suspending their licenses.

But the majority of unpaid surcharge cases are people with non-public safety related offenses.
Like driving without a valid license.

You have to keep working to pay it off. But you lose your license. So, you drive to work without a license. You get pulled over. Now, you owe more.
You keep driving. You go to jail. You owe more.

The biggest obstacle has been finding the money to replace the roughly $144 million the program brings to the state.
Read more here.