, 15 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
1/ We’re indebted to @themarketswork @TheLastRefuge2 @dbongino et al for exposing the Infinity Stones of #SpyGate: FISA abuse

An overlooked vector IMO: search terms
2/ Equally important to WHO were the FBI contractors is WHAT were the search terms (queries) flagged as non-compliant?

Declassify the queries and it’s game-over.
3/ April 2017 FISA Court Report stated “NSA examined all queries using identifiers for U.S. persons targeted” (pg 82)

4/ Thus, a list exists of all U.S. citizens the Obama Admin almost assuredly surveilled illegally.
5/ Think anyone at NYT, CNN or WaPo is willing to bet a year’s salary the list of names stops at Trump? GOP candidates? 2016? Neither do I.
6/ This is the scandal Mueller, Dems, MSM, Deep State & GOPers are frantically trying to hide. This alone explains Left’s insane post-election behavior. They use #FakeNews to Astroturf outrage, hoping for something/anything to stick and remove the threat (Trump).
7/ Weaponizing govt surveillance tools didn’t start with Obama, but he and his Alinsky-ites institutionalized it.

"Govt is just something we do together. Spying is how we help you comply."
8/ Thought experiment A: What if SCOTUS was spied on? Scalia believed so. If true, could that possibly explain Chief Justice Robert’s pivotal ObamaCare “it’s not a mandate, it's a tax" ruling?

9/ Thought experiment B: What if DOJ ran IRS data (h/t Lois Lerner) against NSA database, leaked to Fusion GPS who then distributed to MSM and govt agencies w/ enforcement powers?
10/ Thought experiment C: What if among FBI contractors were smear shops like Fusion GPS? Possible they used NSA database for clients other than FBI?
11/ We're in uncharted waters. Participants face civil, criminal, possibly military justice peril, 1000s DOJ/FBI prosecutions subject to reversal, closed investigations reopened, etc.
12/ The Deep State unwittingly makes the case for gutting the civilian govt workforce thru its almost casual approach to illegally surveilling citizens for POLICY differences.
13/ Declassify all non-compliant search queries of U.S. persons since 2004 and the Uniparty's criminal enterprise will reveal then unravel itself, quickly and voluntarily in the face of unflinching, ice cold anger.
14/ The political fallout from declassifying the search queries will be tectonic, glorious and enduring.
15/15 The professional Left knows all this. They aren’t stupid. But they are apoplectic because they were one Hillary Administration away from making the unthinkable (outsider becoming POTUS) an impossibility.
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