The idea that God or Jesus, or the fucking Buddha even, would disapprove of a man protesting injustice makes a mockery of Christian theology and practice.
Jesus Christ protested everything.
He protested against the money changers in the temple.
He protested against hunger.
Jesus Christ resisted it all.
I'm no longer an affiliated Christian. But I spent the first 15 years of my life as a devout Christian, first in the Catholic tradition.
My background means I am quite familiar with Christian texts and have even studied the extant works of many great Christian thinkers.
This is the school rendering unto Caesar what is not Caesar's.
The Orange Buffoon has proclaimed that @Kaepernick7Zero is wrong and so they have accepted this as gospel.
They are being led astray.
At best
And it would have nothing to do with God.
Which, of course, is exactly what's going.
So, small christian college, your manufactured outrage gives itself away.
You are fooling no one.
Careful, your patriotism looks a lot like racism.