@b_penders you propose that norms are expanding. Actually, I believe they're contracting. We've had very loose standards for what should contribute to the knowledge base, and that's cost us in resources, reliability and credibility.
Given the plurality of voices in science, and the move away from the top-down imposition of norms based on prestige, funding, sex, gender, race, geography, etc., >
What @RemiGau and I have been doing is to gather research to allow us to create the initial list of QRPs. We also have also suggested categories of information that should be included with each QRP, i.e. >
1. Formal Definition:
2. Refs:
3. Example:
4. Tells:
5. Tools that may produce tells:
6. What to say to author:
7. Recalcitrant Editor Response (RER) to help convince editors to go with good science practice instead of what’s customary.