Years ago (but not enough years to be exculpatory) I said horrific things to people online.
I'm hoping this comes as a surprise to some of you, and wanted to talk about it a bit.
If you only follow me for tariff takes, plz skip.
The game (DotA) was the precursor of modern phenomenon "League of Legends"
It's a 5v5 game, takes about 25-50 minutes to play and in it poor play not only weakens you, but strengthens the other team.
If someone on your team plays badly, trash talking becomes the game.
Trash talking became both a way of blowing off steam and a game of one upsmanahip.
The more absurdly offensive, the better.
This is not too dissimilar from what 4chan users will say about their Nazi or racist content.
We were being monsters for the applause.
We weren't creating toxicity, we were just winning it.
Its not the presence of the occasional police officer which dissuades me from public urination, but a sense of norms and decency.
I will never know how much damage my words did. If I caused tears, I never had to watch them roll down.
I have to live with that and I am unbelievably sorry.