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first impressions / taekook au

—where taehyung finds a guy in his class attractive, till he discovers that the said guy's personality isn't attractive at all.
notes ::
+ sorry for the bad quality my phone is broken i'm only using a shitty tab and i don't have a goddamn iphone 😔
+ side yoonmin & nam2seok
+ ignore time stamps and typos u hoes
+ don't expect fast updates 😜😜
taehyung tells jimin | taekook au
sigh | taekook au
meanwhile.. | taekook au
still rude | taekook au
oh no | taekook au
jimin now knows | taekook au
hehehheheeheh | taekook au
Suck My Ass™ | taekook au
honestly idk too gguk | taekook au
jeongguk tells yoongi | taekook au
still no progress, jeon jeongguk | taekook au
blocked | taekook au
i've got android emojis i'm sorry lmao | taekook au
jeongguk.exe has stopped working | taekook au
uh oh he misunderstood | taekook au
goddammit jeongguk | taekook au
previously on nam2seok and yoonmin | taekook au
how's the au so far 😔😔
fashion choices | taekook au
m-mutual feelings | taekook au
tae you were just.. too beautiful that he fell— literally | taekook au
you won, namjoon, you won | taekook au
seokjin has a plan for tomorrow | taekook au
finally | taekook au
choose one (just do it lmao) | taekook au
photography club | taekook au
odds | taekook au
what are they gonna do now | taekook au
what happened | taekook au
subtle | taekook au
2seok's dinner | taekook au
hoseok's mad | taekook au
the next day | taekook au
whipped namseok | taekook au
👀👀👀 | taekook au
oh bitch i didn't choose at all 💅 | taekook au
s-seokjin hyung?? | taekook au
bruise my esophagus 😍 | taekook au
y'all didn't see that coming?? | taekook au
jimin wants to try it too | taekook au
lmfaoo loser | taekook au
pick your head up bro, your snapback is falling | taekook au
i just noticed something weird happened to the last photo oof sorry bout that! anyways,,
no classes means dates | taekook au
taehyung wants to rest | taekook au
jimin gives taehyung jeongguk's number | taekook au
see you there | taekook au
the following parts will be narrated, so please do choose how would you like to read it:
The sunlight reached Taehyung's face as he proceeded to take some pictures of the gorgeous butterfly flying around the flowers. It was a hot, sunny day, and even if beads of sweat were cascading down his face, he's glad he was able to take beautiful photos of the said butterfly.
The theme today for the photography club was nature, and Jeongguk—/that fucking jungle book/— suggested to go to the school's garden to capture some photos. His idea was right considering the theme, but fucking hell, the members were melting as it was really, /really/ hot.
"You should've worn summer clothes. Who goes around wearing long-sleeved, layered shirts in summer?" Jeongguk said, not looking at him. Taehyung swore he saw him roll his eyes.
Taehyung scoffed, "It was your fucking idea to go outside. You didn't even consider how hot the weather is today." he said, wiping his sweat.

"The theme was nature. Where else could we take photos then? Inside the school?" Jeongguk said, an eyebrow raised as he shook his head.
"You may have looks but you don't have a brain. Please do think, Taehyung-ssi." he said, looking at the older, then went back to taking photos afterwards.

Taehyung glared at him, "You may have a brain but you're an asshole." he mumbled.
Jeongguk paused, "What did you say?"

Taehyung smiled at him, "I said it's really hot today." he rolled his eyes and sat on a bench to view his shots.
As he looked at all the photos he had taken, the contest suddenly crossed his mind. He groaned, placing his camera on his lap as he stared into a distance.

/What should I do? How am I going to win that? Why did I even join? I don't have a single chance to win./
Taehyung sighed, "I'm not even good at photography. I just act like I am, how pathetic." he said to himself.

Jeongguk heard him, so he had his eyebrows curled. He walked towards Taehyung, subtly checking if he was okay whilst he pretended to view his photos.
He sat down, "What's with the face? You're making yourself look uglier than you already are. It's not really pleasing to the eye." Jeongguk said as he scanned his pictures, not bothering to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung murmured, "Then don't look at me, simple."
"No need to tell me, that's exactly what I'm doing." Jeongguk said as he deleted some photos.

"Wow," Taehyung scoffed, "You must be really happy to see me like this, huh?"

Jeongguk hummed, "I don't know, seeing you like this makes me unmotivated to hate you. I don't like it."
"What's up, anyways?" Jeongguk said and finally looked at him, his heart raced when their eyes met.

Taehyung looked away and fiddled with his fingers, "It's not like you care."

Jeongguk laughed a bit, "I'm not that much of an asshole. And besides, you have to let it out."
"No thanks," Taehyung answered, "And I don't believe you." he added.

"Suit yourself." Jeongguk said and continued on taking pictures.
Taehyung sighed and wiped his sweat, still irritated by the fact that it's so hot and he's freaking melting. His face then lightened when he saw the other members walking with bottles of cold water in their hands.

But his face then fell as he noticed they weren't enough.
He was left with nothing. "Sorry, Taehyung-ssi. These are the only ones left in the store." one of them said.

Taehyung smiled bitterly, "It's fine, as long as you're all hydrated."
Jeongguk frowned, "You can have mine. I still have water inside my backpack."

Taehyung turned his head to look at him, "Are you sure?" he said, surprised at his actions.

Jeongguk nodded, "Take it before I change my mind."
His face then changed, "You're unbelievable." he said and took the bottled water. "Oddly, you're being nice to me today." Taehyung said and he drank.

"Yah, if you continue doing this I might actually fall for you."

Jeongguk smiled, "Well we don't want that happening, do we?"
"Anyways," Taehyung said, ignoring him, "We have another meeting tomorrow, this time inside the club room as we still need to edit the photos, alright?" the members nodded at him.

"Alright, you can all go now. We're done for today." Taehyung smiled at them as he grabbed his bag.
Before leaving, he spoke, "By the way, thank you for the water, Jeongguk." he smiled and waved with the bottle on his hand to show him.

Jeongguk smiled back and nodded at him, and to tell you the truth, he was screaming inside.

He didn't fuck up this time.
[i'm sorry if there were some errors i didn't proofread it jsjsjdjdndn anyways i'll update again tomorrow goodnight horres 😘😘]
i think he's inlove | taekook au
uh oh, jeongguk.. | taekook au

[on a side note: this is all fictional!! i am in no way saying that jeongguk's family are like this. i'm sure they are all very sweet and nice people and that they love jeongguk so much ❤]
the next day, jeongguk is late to the meeting | taekook au
taehyung is not pleased at all. | taekook au
guk :( | taekook au
i don't know how to deal with him anymore. | taekook au
stressed out | taekook au
i hate seeing you like this | taekook au
yoongi's worried, jeongguk wants to be alone | taekook au
see you NEVER | taekook au
namseok <3 | taekook au
who's that guy he's handsome 😍😍 | taekook au
tell me when they leave | taekook au
a trip? | taekook au
see you tomorrow owo | taekook au
travis my baby | taekook au
some yoonmin for you 💓💞💕 | taekook au
hm | taekook au
both in the same place? | taekook au
[the narration is long so it won't be published in a thread,, also there's some mild angst jsjsjnd]
the trip 1/3 | taekook au
the trip 2/3 | taekook au
the trip 3/3 | taekook au
come here baby give me a kith | taekook au
lmao is that jeongguk at the back | taekook au
i gave him one last chance but he blew it again | taekook au
yoongi >:( | taekook au
(sorry i took too long to update! but here ya go 💓)

the second day 1/4 | taekook au
the second day 2/4 | taekook au
the second day 3/4 | taekook au
the second day 4/4 | taekook au
photos from the trip | taekook au
late nights? | taekook au
eye fucken see | taekook au
jimin texts jeongguk | taekook au
im gonna cry | taekook au
sudden change? | taekook au
blocked? | taekook au
good riddance | taekook au
did i do something wrong? | taekook au
just a question lol, which one is your favorite character so far?
i just let out my loudest sigh ever | taekook au
why did u block jeongguk | taekook au
minecraft quality | taekook au
ur moms a hoe | taekook au
we lost him | taekook au
a Problem™ | taekook au
keep doing what you're doing | taekook au
going home | taekook au
[repost bc i broke the thread sigh]

time to work | taekook au
guk is up to something | taekook au
shut up user myoong
Calmness swept through him.

There weren’t much people inside the cafe since it’s not that much known, and Taehyung loved that. He loved the fact that the place was quiet, it was peaceful and serene.
It’s where he usually goes whenever he has tons of things to do, and whenever he has a lot of things in his mind. Moreover, the cafe makes great food and beverages, despite him hating caffeine, he loved the cafe.
But Jeongguk didn’t.

He hated the cafe. The things that made Taehyung love the cafe, made the younger hate it. It wasn’t crowded, and that just made it absolutely hard for him to hide.
They do make great food and beverages, but Jeongguk almost choked on his drink when he saw Taehyung suddenly look at his way. And it was fucking quiet, which made him even more noticeable because of his.. unfortunate incident when he was hiding from the older in the first place.
Actually, no¬- he was supposed to talk to Taehyung. That’s what he came there for, but why the hell was he hiding?

Even he himself has no idea why.
After a few minutes of him taking breaths, he mumbled, “Okay, Jeongguk. This may be your last chance. Let’s fucking do this.” before walking towards Taehyung’s table, sitting on the seat across him.
Taehyung’s eyes made its way to Jeongguk’s, immediately furrowing his eyebrows once he saw him. “Uh,” he glared at him, “Did you follow me? What the hell?”

The cafe was no longer peaceful.
Jeongguk looked down, refusing to face Taehyung, “I, uh..” he stammered, his fingers fidgeting.

Taehyung waited for him to finish his sentence, but the younger didn’t say any more words. “Get lost, I’m busy. I’m editing pictures, can’t you see?”
The younger scratched his nape, “I just thought you could use some help, I guess.”

Taehyung scoffed.

Jeongguk freaked out, “Not that you’re not capable of doing that yourself! I just, ugh goddammit.” He said, speaking the last words in low volume.
“Look,” Taehyung sighed, “I’m busy, alright? I appreciate that you want to help me, but please, leave me alone.” He said and wished the boy would just go.

But he stayed, instead, he sat there and didn’t say anything. Taehyung was growing annoyed.

Jeongguk’s heart raced once he heard his name come out from his mouth, he smiled internally. But no, this was a serious matter and he’s not gonna fuck this up.
“Are you not going to leave?” he asked and had no response, “If you’re not, then I will.” He said and started on fixing his things.

Jeongguk frowned, “No, no. Hyung, wait.” Taehyung had his eyebrows raised. “Stay, please.”
Groaning, he dropped his things back on the table, “What do you want? Are you doing this so that I couldn’t finish my work, so that I won’t win the contest? The one I’ve been stressing about for the past few days, by the way.” he scoffed, crossing his arms as he leaned back.
He was exhausted after hours of working. He just wished this could all be over soon, but more than that, he wished that he could win the contest, the one’s he has been working so hard for.
“No,” Jeongguk said, shaking his head. “I like you too much to do that.” He said, his eyes looking straight to Taehyung’s.


He froze, startled by his sudden confession. “I’m sorry?” he asked once more.
Jeongguk chuckled softly, “Why would I do that, hyung? I’ve admired your works for years, and I know damn well how much you want to win this. So why the hell would I do that to you?”

“Uh, I don’t know.” Taehyung said, slightly unable to say his words, “Maybe because you’re-“
“Like I said before, I’m not that much of an asshole.” Jeongguk said, gaining confidence all of a sudden. “And even if I try to, I’m sure you’ll still win nonetheless, knowing your skills.” he smiled, proud that all his nervousness vanished.
Taehyung stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

Jeongguk took a deep breath, “Look, I came here to say sorry.” he paused, staring at the table before shifting his eyes back to Taehyung’s.
“I know I’ve been a jerk, I know I’ve hurt you and I know you don’t like me. I’m genuinely sorry for everything I’ve done, there’s no valid excuse to my actions. I’ve hurt you with my words and you didn’t deserve it. You’re an angel and you deserve the world.”
The older was about to say something, but Jeongguk quickly cut him off, “I’m not done yet.” he chuckled, a bit of sadness shown in his eyes, “I didn’t mean all the words I’ve said. You’re amazing, hyung. You don’t even know how much I adore you because you’re so, so, incredible."
"You don’t need to forgive me as I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But I just want you to know that I’m deeply sorry.”
Jeongguk stopped, waiting for the older to respond. He started growing nervous as seconds pass by with Taehyung just looking at him in the eye, “O-Okay, if you’re not gonna say something then I’ll just leave you alone. I’m sorry I disturbed you, I-“
He paused, he paused when he saw Taehyung smile.

“You know, I waited for you to say sorry.” He said and sighed, “I wanted you to say sorry because I wanted to forgive you and I have no idea why.”
“I’m sorry too, Jeongguk. I said some harsh words that probably hurt you too. Hell, I even overreacted last time because I couldn’t handle some constructive criticism. So, I’m sorry, Gukkie.”
Jeongguk smiled, his heart fluttered when he heard Taehyung’s words.
Taehyung never fails to make it flutter.

And now, he feels so warm, as if an enormous rock has been lifted off from his heart. They’re okay now, and that was enough to make Jeongguk the happiest person alive.
“So, you like me?” Taehyung giggled.

The younger immediately turned red, covering his face with his hands as his elbows rested on the table, “Shut up, I’m taking it back.”
Laughing, Taehyung reached for his arm and removed it from his face, “Oh come on. No take backs, Jeonggukkie. It’s actually quite adorable.”
Jeongguk hid his face even more when he heard the name come from Taehyung’s mouth, but Taehyung reached for both of his wrists, making it difficult for him to hide his face. Instead, Jeongguk looked out the window, refusing to meet the older’s gaze.
“Yah, look at me.” He said, still laughing.

“No,” he whined, “It’s embarrassing.”

Taehyung giggled once more before letting go of him, “I have one question though.” he rested his cheek on his palm, looking at the younger.
“Is there any reason why you were like that? Why you acted like you didn’t like me, I mean.” Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

“Uh,” Jeongguk said, debating whether he should tell him or not.

Should he?

But Taehyung squinted his eyes at him, “There’s a reason, right? Tell me.”
Jeongguk clasped his hands and shook his head, “No way, it’s even more embarrassing.”

“It’s not because you like me, is it?” he asked, but once the younger didn’t respond, he gasped, “Oh my God, it is?” he laughed.
“Everything makes so much more sense now,” Taehyung said, and Jeongguk was ready to throw his things at the older’s face.
He couldn’t help but to feel embarrassed, the feelings he had been hiding for years- it’s all exposed now. It doesn’t help that Taehyung’s (cutely) laughing at him, too.
Jeongguk groaned, “What was I supposed to do? I’ve liked you for years and I freaked out when you suddenly talked to me for the first time. I couldn’t say anything and I was afraid that I would embarrass myself, I didn’t mean to fuck up and come off as rude."
"But then I kept on going because goddammit, Taehyung. You fuck me up.”

Taehyung smiled a mile wide, “Damn, cupid, I’m sorry.” He laughed, “Never thought I’d cause that kind of thing to someone.”
All the words Jeongguk threw, it all made Taehyung beyond happy. It makes him flattered, really, to think that someone feels that way about him, it makes Taehyung smile. It makes him feel loved, and he loved it.

“Well, you’re incredible, so.” Jeongguk beamed.
Taehyung tilted his head, “Hm, that’s not the first words you ever said to me. You left a bad impression, the worst of the worst.”

Jeongguk scoffed, “Wow, no need to exaggerate.”
“I wasn’t exaggerating, you ignored me when I first met you at that class, and your first words were an insult, so you can’t blame me.” He shrugged.
“You’re wrong,” Jeongguk said, “We met years ago when Jimin hyung wanted to introduce you to the group. I just hid because I couldn’t face you yet that time. And, my first words to you were “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous” although it was just.. a whisper.”
“Yah, that doesn’t count.” Taehyung said and smiled. Smiling even more when Jeongguk called him gorgeous.

Wow, the kid's making him feel so many different things he couldn’t comprehend.

“Hyung, I gave you a bad impression and I want to change that. Will you let me start over?”
Taehyung raised his eyebrows, “Alright, give me the best of the best first impression you could give.”
Jeongguk laughed before he started. Clearing his throat, he spoke, “Hey there, my name’s Jeon Jeongguk. Nice to meet you,” he smiled, “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous you look.”
Taehyung bursted out laughing, “That’s so bad, oh my God.” He said, “I’m not used to this, couldn’t you just continue being an ass?”

The younger shook his head and took ahold of Taehyung’s hands, “Never, never again. I won’t be like that anymore.”
Taehyung looked longingly at their hands clasped together, he looked at it as if he never wanted the feeling to stop.

Both of their faces lightened up, as Jeongguk’s eyes gazed at the older’s, “I like you, and I’m going to make you fall for me.”
“Oh yeah?” Taehyung giggled, “I’d love to see you try.”
aaand that's it! the end of first impressions. i wanted to end it here, where they finally are at ease with each other, no fights whatsoever, where they leave their misunderstandings and such in the past, and them wanting to start over.
anyways, thank you soso much for reading! i know i've neglected this au at some points and i'm sorry lmao but thank you so much for reading till the end. i hope you enjoyed it, and i hope you'll support my other/upcoming aus !! <3
if i ever write a sequel of this in the future.. where jk is courting tae,, would y'all read it uwu
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