Kredit: Erlyeza
Please. Janganlah datang kerja macam awak pergi kelas selebek selekeh muka tak mandi. Yang perempuan tu kalau boleh janganlah setiap hari pakai tudung hitam selempang tepi macam makcik jual karipap. Tidaklah sampai make up tebal 10 inci. Berpadalah.
I was a student too. I know how fun it is procrastinating. Hahaha. But not when you’re an internship student. Sampai office lewat 3 kali seminggu dengan alasan - ayah hantar mak dulu, baru hantar sy. Dik please, you’re not a primary school child.
This is the most crucial one. Alam pekerjaan is not the same macam zaman study. Kau tak boleb sesuka hati nak kau-aku kan bos. Sporting tahap mana pun dia, he/she is judging you especially when dia yang bagi mark.
I currently went through two different situations. One - I get this one Diploma student yang PR dia sangat bagus walaupun result dia tak seberapa. Very good this girl. Bergaul with everyone, buat kerja pun bagus. I like her very much.
Kalau tak tahu, tanya. No one gonna be mad at you. We understand you’re an intern. We won’t expect you to comprehend everything in split seconds. Ini tidak, tak tahu lepas tu buat-buat tahu satu hal. Tak tahu then terus tak buat kerja pun satu hal.
Yes, I understand. Kadang kami pun pening nak bagi kerja apa for intern. Sometimes, first week tu boleh chill lagi. Tapi janganlah beria sangat chill tu sampai kau tidur nganga kemain eh kau. Eeiii cepuk kang.