Up first: Manu!
Follow him @Fluid_Academy and check his work annalsofintensivecare.springeropen.com/articles/10.11…
(He also just fired a shot at CVP 😉)
@WhistlingDixie4 @avkwong @strachanjamie @Gas_Craic @Aidan_Baron @FOAMecmo
But may be harmful- see FEAST from
@KathMaitland nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… #lives2018
@PrXaMonnet: absolute number not important. You need to see how it changes with what you do
I’m biased so I say yes
And @Manu_Malbrain agrees #lives2018
Problems being raised with the awake patient - agitation, discomfort
And you need to measure CO
And he still uses CVP 😳😳😳 #lives2018
If CI rises alone - fine
If CI rises and CVP doesn’t rise- ? Not enough fluid
He uses 500ml saline or 250ml HAS
However these patients were very anaemic- was dilution a factor?
(The post hoc analysis of FEAST said nah though) #lives2018
(It would hopefully reduce the blood gas load)
@Manu_Malbrain - uses EVLW and PVPI, combones with intraabdominal pressure #lives2018
Sheldon- start fluid removal once they are resuscitated #lives2018
Sheldon- BP tracks CO poorly. Can have rise in CO with no change in BP after a fluid Bolus #lives2018
When people are sick give fluids
When they are getting better see if they still need fluid
Once they are stable and if they are fluid overloaded take fluid off