"You didn't let people know."
Says the plan calls opponents "elitists, racists" (I didn't catch that part)
3 story buildings won't make the city better. She's moving to Richfield. (City Pages' Best Suburb 2018!)
Comparing the plan to tar sands pipelines and mining.
"Cities are our last best chance" to make a dent in climate change.
people call out as he goes past his 2 minutes: "TIME TIME TIME!"
"I don't think this plan is gonna do what people think it does."
"Kmart, which divided our city."
"High buildings where they don't belong"
"Bird migrations"
She says the plan is too divisive.
Admits he lives in a home with "character." Brave admission, guy.
Wants to have choice to stay in his neighborhood when he gets older. That requires some housing diversity.
(Not even I'm a fan of that kind of vista. )
Recent UN climate report "makes it clear we need to step up the pace of change."
-Tim Keane, eminent domain lawyer
"Our transit system is not built to handle what's in the 2040 plan." There's not enough money. "We don't know who the governor's gonna be"
"It's Minnesota. There's winter."
Too much truth from this speaker.
(That'll work, Carol)
"There's a difference between not being able to find parking and not being able to find housing."
"This comp plan doesn't do anything to help them."
"We are all in favor of reducing greenhouses gases.." we just want to do it "thoughtfully"
I think the king meant don't let more people live near my lake house.
Another reminder that families are changing while laws regarding housing have not.
"We need more housing in Minneapolis. We need it now." Says you shouldn't feel like you won the lottery if you own a home in the city.
"If the goal is affordable housing, to me that case has not been made." Skeptical that supply affects prices. Worries the city will become mostly apartment buildings.