As the holiday season approaches and 2018 ends, I take this opportunity to thank you for the support and on-going partnerships with the Uganda Communications Commission @UCC_Official towards the institutional goals and objectives.

The Commission @UCC_Official has continued to provide stewardship of communications markets, structures and conduct, through initiatives designed to promote sector competition, attract new investment as well as promote consumer interests.
The new licensing regime is also expected to encourage the promotion of service innovation and allow for the introduction of a variety of new technologies in the delivery of communication services in Uganda.
We completed the review of domestic mobile interconnection rates from Shs 112/= to Shs 65/=. This is expected to reduce barriers to entry, promote retail price competition and increase service variety.
It is expected that lowering domestic mobile interconnection rates will eventually bring down the cost of communications services in the midst of rising prices of key factor inputs like fuel and continued depreciation of the shilling against major currencies
The Commission has developed more partnerships in the development of the communications sector. These include partnerships with Intelsat and ITSO on broadband connectivity in rural areas and the Republic of Korea on Spectrum Monitoring;
Other partnerships are with ITU on cybersecurity & online protection; academia on research & skills development; Civil society, & local governments on consumer empowerment through the Consumer parliaments, broadcaster’s conferences, & the Uganda Film festival
Uganda's communication sector has achieved increased recognition in the international ICT fora, including but not limited to the ITU, ATU, ITSO, and EACO. Uganda was recently elected to the ITU governing council for a 4-year cycle.
There is an enhanced capacity of operators to address cybersecurity incidents and working with sector players, we will continue to empower consumers to detect and protect themselves from cybercriminals.
As we continue to develop the Communications sector, our focus for the next year will be to: Increase access and usage of communications services especially among the vulnerable communities e.g. Persons With Disabilities (PWD’s);
The Commission will increase support to broadband services arising from the implementation of the broadband policy and further, strengthen the regulatory framework to promote sector growth and protect consumers due to the implementation of new regulations;
We will continue and even increase collaborations with stakeholders to further develop the Communications sector and ensure that consumers fully utilize communications services.
The Commission @UCC_Official is on course to achieve these and more targets. We shall rely on the partnerships, dedication and commitment of stakeholders to play their part to ensure that the implementation of our strategic plan remains a reality.
We are also cognizant of the new regulatory challenges ahead across all markets like appropriate regulatory regimes for OTTs and regulation in data-centric ecosystems and have initiated new partnerships with global think-tanks and thought leaders
On behalf of @UCC_Official Board, Management & Staff, I wish all our stakeholders a happy holiday season & a New Year of happiness & prosperity. We look forward to working together, with renewed vigour, in 2019!