2. Stephen Platt, Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the End of China's Last Golden Age
3. Ran Abramitzky, The Mystery of the Kibbutz
4. Lisa Blaydes, State of Repression.
6. Ben Cobley the Tribe
7. David Reich, Who we Are and How we Got Here.
8. Francis Fukuyama, Identity
9. Jason Kuznicki, Technology and the End of Authority
10. Judea Pearl, The Book of Why
12. Adam Tooze, Crashed.
13. Steven Kotkin Stalin Vol 2.
14. Yascha Mounk, The People Versus Democracy.
15. Tyler Cowen, Stubborn Attachments - a deep, insightful and pithy plea for agreeing on the value of economic growth.
17. Pete Boette, F.A Hayek
18. Nicholas Crafts, Forging Ahead, Falling Behind Fighting Back
19. Acharya, Blackwell and Sen, Deep Roots: How Slavery Still Shapes Southern Politics.
20. Martin Gurri Revolt of the Public
21. John Mearsheimer, Great Delusion.
22. Andrew Lambert, Seapower States
@yudapearl @JasonKuznicki @bencobley @matt_blackwell @maya_sen and probably several others I've not been able to find.