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THREAD: #CommonGround: When Tamil Indians were repatriated from Sri Lanka, many chose to settle in the hilly region of Gudalur in Tamil Nadu’s Nilgiris district. Many bought land, and took up work on estates.
Decades ago, lakhs of Tamils, mostly Dalits, taken to Sri Lanka during British rule, to work in the quickly expanding tea estates on the island.

After Independence, the Sri Lankan government refused to grant citizenship to the “upcountry Tamils”, as they were called.
On the other hand, the Indian government argued that since the Tamils had lived in Sri Lanka for over 100 years, they belonged to the island country.
Read 12 tweets

On June 14, two weeks after her vaccination, doctors declared 18-year-old Rithaika Sri Omtri brain dead. Her desperate parents first explored all medical options to save her.

She received her first dose of Covishield vaccine.…

#CovidVaccine Image
Rithaika suffered vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a rare adverse event in which blood clots restrict the flow of blood into vital organs, and also result in a low platelet count.…

#CovidVaccine #COVID19 Image
It was only after her family filed an RTI application that they confirmed the link between the vaccination and her death.…

#CovidVaccine Image
Read 9 tweets
Authorities in Ballia region were known to turn against reporters who wrote about exam paper leaks.

In 2018, a journalist was booked after he forwarded a leaked paper he had written about to the district inspector of schools, at the latter’s insistence.
UP: Recently, three local reporters were arrested on charges of being complicit in the leaks of question papers for Class 10 and Class 12 board exams.

Their investigative report on the question-paper-leak landed them in trouble with district authorities.
Uttar Pradesh has acquired a reputation of being a state that persecutes journalists for reporting stories about misgovernance. Since 2017, when Adityanath became CM, nearly 70 journalists have been booked by the govt.

#CommonGround report by @psychia90
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“By then I knew something was wrong. The incessant calls from the police, the DIOS, it looked like they were going to implicate me.”

The journalists who fought back in Uttar Pradesh

Read this week's #CommonGround report by @psychia90 -
“GOOSEBUMPS! Have you ever seen a journalist showing so much spine and courage before going to jail?”

Exposing misgovernance is risky for reporters in #UttarPradesh. This March, in the town of Ballia, some staked their freedom and did so anyway.
#CommonGround: Digvijay Singh, a reporter for the Hindi daily Amar Ujala, along with two other journalists, had been arrested on charges of being complicit in the leaks of question papers for Class 10th and 12th board exams.

Their arrests defied logic
Read 18 tweets
#CommonGround: Tracking the [#PMKisan] scam in Assam reveals that it began with a rush to add beneficiaries at a breakneck speed ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha election.

But once initiated, the scam spiralled out of control

By @snigdhapoonam, @datelinedelhi
#CommonGround: A data entry operator in Assam's Darrang district recounted that a banking correspondent made around 1,000 accounts in villagers' names, which he used to siphon off money from the [#PMKisan] scheme.
“They took money and added names"

Since identify proof documents were not being scrutinised carefully, and bank accounts served as unique IDs for each beneficiary, many took the opportunity to draw up their own lists.

India’s Rs 3,000-crore PM Kisan scam
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#CommonGround: Tracking the scam in #Assam reveals that it began with a rush to add beneficiaries at a breakneck speed ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha election.

The untold story of India’s Rs 3,000-crore farmer scheme scam

by @datelinedelhi, @snigdhapoonam
This week in #CommonGround

#Assam saw the highest amount being siphoned off under Modi government’s PM-Kisan scheme.

An investigation from the state by @datelinedelhi, @snigdhapoonam reveals how the scam worked.

Read more:
This story is part of #CommonGround, our in-depth and investigative reporting project.

By @datelinedelhi, @snigdhapoonam

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I encourage both of my communities to join hands across the ideological divide to pursue our common cause of combatting illness and saving lives by preventing tobacco use by young people and helping adult smokers quit smoking.
#SRNT2022 #Preconference
The public health objective should be to develop policies and interventions that both reduce youth vaping and increase adult smoking cessation.
#SRNT2022 #Preconference…
Most scientists would agree that balancing the risks and benefits of e-cigarettes for the individual cigarette smoker is critically important. Most would also agree that tobacco-naive youths should not start using e-cigs...
#SRNT2022 #Preconference…
Read 19 tweets
In recent years, the NCPCR has devoted considerable attention to poorly substantiated complaints against minority communities.

This week in #CommonGround, @AarefaJohari and @iyersaishwarya investigate the Hindutva hijack of India's child rights body.…
This story is part of #CommonGround, our in-depth and investigative reporting project.…

By @AarefaJohari, @iyersaishwarya

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#CommonGround | Under the NCPCR's current chairman, Priyank Kanoongo, the commission has expended considerable resources on pursuing complaints that target minority communities, in many cases for alleged forcible conversion.
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#CommonGround | Your gourmet dinner is eating up the superfood of the poor

The dried fish trade declines, as fish meal and fish oil companies corner much of India's seafood, threatening the nutrition of millions, write @shamsheeryousaf & Monica Jha.✍️…
This story is part of #CommonGround, our new in-depth and investigative reporting project.

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To read previous reports of the series, visit:…

Fishmeal firms buy vast quantities of India’s marine catch to feed shrimp farms, threatening the livelihoods of smaller fishers and the nutrition of millions.

By @shamsheeryousaf & Monica Jha. ✍️…
Read 7 tweets
Zwei im #ProgrammDiveIn geförderte Projekte sprechen im #Panel#Partizipation & Handlungsfähigkeit“ in #HoloLab2 über Möglichkeiten der Publikumseinbindung in hybriden Projekten. Mit dabei: #SophiaHussain & Vertreterinnen des @Lenbachhaus #Collaboratory:
#Panel: Der #OpenSpace des #Collaboratory @Lenbachhaus ist mehr als eine Website und funktioniert eher wie ein Computerspiel. In einer 3D-Welt können User experimentelle Anwendungen spielerisch verwenden:
#Panel: In dem Livegame #EscapeTheRoom 2.0 zum Thema #Diskriminierung erleben Teenager in 5 Räumen 5 verschiedene Perspektiven, in denen sie sich selbst aus diskriminierenden Situationen befreien sollen. Die Jugendlichen wurden bereits in die Konzeption einbezogen. #HoloLabs
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#CommonGround: The dark underbelly of Punjab’s liquor problem

Over the past two decades, officials say an illicit liquor trade has grown in the state in parallel with a boom in the liquor industry.

Read this week's piece, by @seekingsrishti.✍️…
This is the eighth installment of our in-depth reporting project called #CommonGround

If you have missed out on our previous stories, you can find them all here 👉

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Hundreds of people took ill after drinking spurious alcohol in Punjab in July and August 2020. Tarn Taran was the worst hit.

The urgency of Punjab’s alcohol problem is under-recognised, @seekingsrishti reports

Read:… Image
Read 10 tweets
I think I found a topic for my (almost) daily thread. I hope @kozil9 will join in on the conversation, because he does support THR. (Warning Jared, I'm one of those "long winded" people!)
Jared and I start with #CommonGround because we both believe in having products available to adults who smoke that will help them reduce the harm from smoking. I think post of the people reading this thread will also have this in common with us. 2/
When I read Jared's thread, I heard frustration. Why is he frustrated? I read some of his tweets and replies. AH HA!! It didn't take long to find my answer. In the THR world, there is a difference of opinion on what defines #TobaccoHarmReduction.

That's a problem.
Read 24 tweets
Very excited to announce the launch of #CommonGround, our new in-depth reporting project.

It is inspired by our belief that there’s more to our shared life than the divisive politics that characterises our times.

Every Wednesday, we hope to bring you a compelling story from the ground on our neglected commons: areas like education, health, work, gender, land, climate.
The team is made up of my talented colleagues @AarefaJohari, @ikukreti, @Johanna_Deeksha, and @haramitheatre. We also hope to feature the work of independent journalists around India.
Read 8 tweets
Our #TeVE virtual event with @QShepherd is live! You can join us to talk about how he's approaching conversations about #COVID19 as a supt:… Image
Dr. Shepherd launched an exchange asking his staff's thoughts and questions about #coronavirus and how the district should approach it. He's built a culture of conversation with #thoughtexchange and the participation was through the roof.
Answering thoughts to honor them and let your staff know they're heard is essential: Image
Read 11 tweets
Let’s find #CommonGround. Please quote-tweet with concepts that everyone can agree on. For example:

Not all women have penises
It's instructive to see how much difficulty people are having with this assignment...
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Mind blowing mathematics

A father left 17 Camels as an Asset for his Three Sons


When the Father passed away, his sons whilst going thru some old papers, found his will. They called some family witnesses & opened the will.
The Will of the Father stated that the Eldest son should get Half of 17 Camels.

The Middle Son should be given 1/3rd of 17 Camels,

AND The Youngest Son should be given 1/9th of the 17 Camels.
Since it’s not possible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9, the sons started to fight with each other.

The finally decided to go to a wise man.

The wise man listened patiently about the Will .
Read 8 tweets

Booh: “Manafort is the Hub

📌6/9/16 TT meet w/ RIS to get ‘dirt’
📌Stone, Firtash, Assange
📌US Lobbying / PR Firms / Journalists / Propaganda / Black ops
📌 Deripaska, Kilimnik,Kislyak
📌Barrack, Pence, Devine
📌Cambridge Analytica ->Bannon, Rebekah Mercer” etc

📌Manafort admits laundering $30M related to Ukraine work

📌M worked 4 murderous dictators 4 decades

📌Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Cooperate w/ Mueller

Manafort Plea Deal Casts New Scrutiny on Lobbyists He Recruited
📌#Podesta Group

NRA Show Puts Thomas the Tank Engine in White Hood to Criticize Diversity Move😱

📌The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally Torshin tied to the NRA who met w/ DonJr during the campaign

📌AU Zamel linked to SC probe re August 2916 meeting w/ DonJr. #Wikistrat
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Who Says Collusion is a Crime: The Justice Dept

Who are the 5 American co-conspirators the SC only teased in the indictment of 12 RUs re for hacking the DNC’s computers?
Stone, DonJr, Stranahan, Nevins, Rohrbacher, Curbelo, Mast, Gaetz, &/or DeSantis? Or?

In a rare moment of introspection for Trump, he has expressed to confidants lingering unease about how some in his orbit, including his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., are ensnared in the Russia probe. (& Ivanka/Eric)

Hope Hicks spotted boarding Air Force One

Hannity snapped up homes for pennies on the $ from victims of the Mortgage Meltdown & used HUD funds to finance them.

Trump’s economic claims are overblown, job growth was higher under PBO.

Kushner Family Closes Deal to Unload 666 Fifth Avenue
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Ex-DNI confirms on 1/6/17 Trump was briefed on Putin's involvement in 2016 election

KT McFarland top Trump transition official in private email: RU 'has just thrown' the election to Trump

After 1/6/17 intel brief, Trump says Russia had no impact on election.

Trump knows he is illegitimate.

Pence, Pompeo, Flynn, Bossert, Preibus &K.T. McFarland attended the briefing along w/ then President-elect Trump.

In recording, Netanyahu boasts Israel convinced Trump to quit Iran nuclear deal

The Double Down From Hell Trump has formally invited Vladimir Putin to visit the White House this fall

The Financial Conduct Authority said on Thursday that it is investigating around 75 firms & individuals in the U.K. for anti-money laundering failings
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Go have some fun this weekend!

Trump attacks US journalists, Senators, former POTUS’and Mocks #MeToo. What About Putin? ‘He’s KGB’ ‘He’s Fine’

Giuliani demands proof 45 committed a crime b/4 Trump will agree to an interview. Mueller is licking his chops!

Trump lands in EU next week amid fears that he will blow up a key summit focused on EU’s defense & then offer concessions to NATO’s main adversary in Putin.

US Reaches $1.53 Million Dollar Settlement with Defense Contractor to Resolve Contract Claim

Chinese hackers breach ANU, putting national security at risk

The energy sector can become a driving force for constructive development of Russian-US ties, says Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak after meeting with Mnuchin & Rick Perry.😱WTF?
Read 52 tweets
🌿Stay Strong!🌿

President Obama:

"Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?"

PM May says images of caged children in U.S. 'deeply disturbing
🌿Stay Strong!2🌿

Charity CEO running migrant kids' shelters earns $1.5 million

Trump’s EO does not solve the problem.

It does nothing to reunify the 2,300 children who have been taken from their parents.

Trump is hiring prosecutors to make sure all parents are prosecuted.
🌿Stay Strong!3🌿

ICE Spokesman resigns, saying he could no longer spread falsehoods for the Trump Administration. Bravo!

No words. GOP is using jailed babies as leverage effect Trumps agenda & doing their best to dehumanize immigrants & cast them all as heinous criminals 🤮
Read 65 tweets

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