Thousands of Isfahan farmers gather in the barren land that was once Zayanderud in protest to water diversion.
Thousands of Khvorasgan farmers gathered today in protest to the diversion of water.
signs read, “Where is my Zayanderud”, referring to the once flourishing Isfahan river which has now all but dried out as a result of extraction before reaching Isfahan.

Thousands of Khvorasgan farmers gathered today in protest to the diversion of water.
signs read, “Where is my Zayanderud”, referring to the once flourishing Isfahan river which has now all but dried out as a result of extraction before reaching Isfahan

The security forces attacked Isfahan farmers who are protesting the diversion of water for a week.
@USAdarFarsi @DebbieAAldrich @SecStudiesGrp
Over 2,000 people rallying & protesting for their share of river waters that have been rerouted by authorities for government projects.
"Police, don't support the thieves"
Over 2,000 people rallying & protesting for their share of river waters that have been rerouted by authorities for government projects.
The oppressive forces attacked the peacefull protest rally.
@USAdarFarsi @steve_hanke
Over 2,000 people rallying & protesting for their share of river waters.
Riot police forces came to street to prevent a larger demonstration.
The angry farmers protesting their share of water,instead of responding, riot police attack them.
A man saying to the police:" Where are you come from? Aren't you Iranian?Repression and arresting are enough"