⁉️Is it worth it?
Per @CNN, just a few inconveniences:
💸More contractors say they won't get back pay
💸Furloughed employees cannot pay rent or take care of children
💸Life-saving HIV research could be put on hold

💸Will unpaid bills lead to poor credit score, affecting jobs?
💸Will teachers' lesson plans be delayed? The NOAA website is down.
💸With USDA shut down, some home loans cannot be processed
💸With IRS shut down, people can't apply for nonprofit status
💸Student loans cannot be processed without tax transcripts from IRS
💥Please add your own stories!!
💥🇺🇸In 2013, the government shut down for 16 days & the country lost an estimated $24 billion in economic output, or 0.6 percent of projected annualized GDP growth, according to the Standard and Poor’s ratings agency.