The isn't just to express solidarity with Charb and his slain colleagues. Today, it's an epithet that leaves no room for doubt where one stands on the primordial rift between those who value free over closed human minds.
In fact, it appears to be getting worse: autocrats are emboldened, while a secular strain of blasphemy is thriving.
Not really. The way the Salman Rushdie affair was handled in the late 80s & early 90s was surely a sign of things to come.
When mixed in with the state, it serves only to concentrate power & stifle all dissent. Today we see these political instincts on both the far left & far right.
The open hostility to the mere feeling of offense justifies the murder of innocent cartoonists and the vilification of folks like Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Stand against this. #JeSuisCharlie