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Feb. xx:
1/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

Author –@CrimeanWind, #Telegram, Ukraine supporter

#Saldo & #Aksyonov cannot share the #Stolen #Grain.

Recall that in the #Kherson region, the [#Russian]- ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Collaborators…
Feb. xx:
2/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

“..[#Russian]-occupation authorities introduced "#Permits" for the #Export of #Grain. They’re issued by #Collaborator, #EduardRepilevsky, whom the #Russians..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Betrayal #Coerced…
Feb. xx:
3/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

“.[#Russian]-occupation authorities introduced "#Permits" for the #Export of #Grain. They are issued by #Collaborator, #EduardRepilevsky, whom the #Russians..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Betrayal #Coerced…
Read 9 tweets
My heartfelt apologies to everyone @SDVisitors last night who was hoping to hear me celebrating 20th anniversary and offer words of sense-making and maybe soothing in the face of cruelty of detention. Sadly my husband had an accident and I received an emergency call at 5pm 1/
He will be fine - very shaken - head trauma and a broken rib it seems and quite the shiner this morning - thanks to @GlasgowSubway staff especially Kevin for care and help. 2/
It made me thankful that I - unlike all those in #detention - can know care; can draw on the love & humour of friends & family; can find understanding and belief when we say something terrible has happened - unlike those subject to the culture of disbelief in the Home Office 3/
Read 8 tweets
1/10 How to transform procedural rights from illusory safeguards to practical guarantees: by empowering those who need them the most, starting w/ stronger awareness. Great case study here:@EachOtherUK & @BIDdetention will turn 63 page legal guide into comic book (& need our help) Image
2/10 They're crowdfunding here, and have achieved $7381 so far, out of a pledged $29,025:…
3/ As they note, "at any one time in the UK, there are around 2,000 people held in immigration removal centres across the UK" and "people held in immigration detention can be kept there for anything from a few days to years".
Read 11 tweets
#Lukashenko wants to limit rights of citizens with ‘Pole’s Card’
This is a document confirming that a person belongs to the 🇵🇱 people. Since it's introduction in 2008 more than 140,000 🇧🇾 received the document.
The cardholder has a number of non-civilian rights. #Poland #Belarus Image
Amongst others the the card allows you to get a long-term national 🇵🇱 visa for free, work legally in 🇵🇱 without a special permit, & use the education system for free, engage in business activities in 🇵🇱 on the same basis as 🇵🇱 citizens, have a discount on travel in transport, etc
One of the threats Lukashenko put forward is the deprivation of citizenship...

#Belarus #lukashenko #Putin #photoshop Image
Read 7 tweets
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
🧵Great news! 👏👏On day 2 Report Stage of the #NationalityandBordersBill yesterday, the @UKHouseofLords voted to defeat the Government 8 times, on several important counts, in order to👇:
1⃣Remove Clause 15 which would give the Home Secretary powers to deem a person’s #asylum claim ‘inadmissible’, denying them access to the asylum system unless there are exceptional circumstances, if they travelled through or had a connection to a ‘safe’ third country (221-172)
2⃣Remove Clause 28(a) which would give the Government powers to remove people seeking asylum and detain them in offshore #detention centres (208-155)
Read 14 tweets
I hope you'll join me at 2pm to look at Juvenile Corrections

THINKING CHALLENGE: Does the Juvenile Justice System have a responsibility to keep kids out of a punitive system?

#CRJ107 #CommunityBasedCorrections
Let's start by testing our knowledge of teens today. Do you believe we can better understand age groups by generational differences?

#CRJ107 #CommunityBasedCorrections
What generation do you most closely identify?

#CRJ107 #CommunityBasedCorrections
Read 88 tweets
1/9 The intense pressure by the #EU, both in requirements for entry and political pressure, have caused peripheral countries, including Morocco and Turkey, to become sites of #ExternalizedBorders for the EU. #MigrationKorbelDU @UofDenver @josefkorbel
@UofDenver @josefkorbel 2/9 There has been tension between ‘the rising need of dialogue, exchange, and cooperation’ on the EU’s part and ‘the declining prospect of peace, stability, and prosperity’ on the part of the EU’s neighbors’ because of #border #externalization…
3/9 Policy efforts include the 2005 EU Protection Programmes, the 2016 EU-Turkey Deal, the 2018 Global Migration Compact, and economic development investments in the #MENA region.…
Read 10 tweets
Starting new thread for the Respondents in #STCA #law case. Stellar legal team with submissions starting with Andrew Brouwer a seasoned #cdnimm #refugee lawyer.
Oops, Jared Will will begin. Really enjoyed watching Jared in past cases for eg on #cdnimm #refugee #law #detention. Saw him live at #SCC on #Chhina case.
#Law students take note. I love the slow pacing of Jared Will, especially at the end of the long day. #STCA
Read 24 tweets
In anticipation of the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement Appeal starting, this is the decision under review at the Fed CA. Fed Ct fd STCA violated s 7 #Charter rights of ref claimants
I'll be tweeting intermittently with comments.
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
If ur curious, the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement is still in force. The Fed CA refused to grant a stay to suspend the agreement till the appeal is resolved even tho arguable irreparable harm re Fed Ct fd #Charter violations
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
As well, even tho there are a multitude of intersectional issues relating to the #STCA Safe Third Country Ag, 13 orgs thru 6 intervener applications were denied participation in the hearing at Fed CA. #cdnimm #refugees #law…
Read 166 tweets
The global #COVID19 outbreak is much more than *just* a health emergency - over the past months at @project_polis we looked at the social, economic and political repercussion of the pandemic - Here's a thread with the pieces we published.
A military mindset : Sri Lanka’s response to the coronavirus pandemic by Thusiyan Nandakumar… | @project_polis #SriLanka #COVID19
Musings On Vulnerability – A Conversation with Francesca Mannocchi @mannocchia… | @project_polis | #Podcast #Vulnerability
Read 11 tweets
A group of +100 migrants unlawfully #deported back to #Libya have been taken to #Al-Khums/Souq-Al Khamis) “official” #detention centre today.They are locked in the dark hangar in the extreme heat without food & water.Some tried to escape but were caught & horribly #tortured 1/👇🏽
They were horribly #tortured by the Libyan guards of the centre with metal bars,had their arms and legs broken.They are hurt & bleeding from their heads and bodies but nobody can help.6 #women &
children among the #deportees.Main nationalities Sudan, Mali,Nigeria,Bangladesh..2/👇🏽
#IOM brings hygiene kits but every time the centre boss/manager uploads all the kits in his truck & takes them away.#UNHCR has not accessed the centre in months.#Torture,abuse & #starvation are daily occurrence.Commissioned & funded by #CriminalEurope #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
Read 3 tweets
Some important, but valid questions arise as I reflect upon the protests that happened in opposition to #CAA all over the country. Collating my thoughts as a thread and sharing it. The questions are open for anyone to answer. (1/N)
@sakthi_ind93 @Swamy39 @MaridhasAnswers
The #CAA guarantees to instantly provide Citizenship to all persecuted minorities from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, who entered India before 31st Dec, 2014. There are 30K+ such immediate beneficiaries who will now be granted Indian Citizenship. (2/N)
Now, questions are raised by few senior MPs and politicians about why Muslims have been excluded. Obvious reasons include:

1. Out of the 30k people who are awaiting Indian #citizenship for many years, there are Hindus, Sikhs, Parsi, Jain, Buddhist and Christians. (3/N)
Read 24 tweets
#NOW the junction in Mong Kok outside Langham Place where a bloody fight between protesters trying to block the road and plain clothed police making arrest took place earlier tonight has returned to normal for now.
Across Argyle St where a line of police vans are standing, three women are having their fortune told. Image
Last for the day and from Mong Kok, two lines from Taiwan movie #Detention:
“Have you forgotten or you are too scared to remember?”
“Live on and remember how difficult it was to get all these.”
#june4 Image
Read 3 tweets
Our Central #Mediterranean Regional Analysis is out!

It covers the period 1 Oct to 31 Dec 2019 & discusses key developments in this region of the #Med.

In 2019, we were alerted to 101 boats escaping #Libya or #Tunisia, carrying over 6,200 people.…
Our analysis of the central #Med highlights some of the following:

🔸#CivilFleet & #AlarmPhone rescues
🔸Non-assistance & interceptions by #Europe & allies
🔸“Privatised” push-backs to #Libya
🔸Recent shipwrecks & the invisibilised deaths at sea
🔸Messages from Libyan #detention
Despite all atrocities we witnessed in the central #Med, people did not stop struggling for #FreedomOfMovement & #safepassage. Many boats reached #Europe autonomously, NGO vessels returned to sea & rescued hundreds of people & migrants resisted their illegal push-back to #Libya.
Read 4 tweets
Christmas for some, just another day at work for others. Laborers at Matia in Assam are working through the holiday period to get India’s largest #detention camp ready by the end of January 2020. These videos were shot by @Suyash_Esoteric #NRC_CAA_Protests
The Prime Minister may deny this place exists, but everyone here - the labourers and the many people we stopped to ask for directions know exactly what it is. “Bangladeshi aur foreigner ka jail,” one labourer said. When it’s ready, it will house 3000 “illegal foreigners.”
According to official records, there were 1043 “foreigners” in six detention camps, housed in several district jails, in Assam. 28 of them are now dead, including a 45 day old baby. Those who remain have little recourse to legal or medical aid.
Read 6 tweets
#Thread| Though #detention in Assam predates Modi era, now’s a good time to recall violation of human rights that happen within them. I’ve followed the human cost of detention for the past 1.5 yrs.Never made it inside one but the stories from the periphery are equally telling👇🏻
In Aug 2018, I followed a family torn apart by detention. Mother in one, father in one, daughters free but living under cover. Fortunately because of the SC ruling in May, they are now out. (This sketch is the exact replica of what I saw)…
In Dec 2018, I met Bimal Baidya — a carpenter from Bongaigaon. He was wrongfully in for one year. When he got out, he realised he had lost everything — including his wife who died of an illness. He never…
Read 8 tweets
A thread on some quotes from @gautambhatia88’s “The transformative constitution “In equality jurisprudence, the approach of focusing on the disproportionately exclusionary impact if politics rather than their formal character or motive is known as disparate impact”
“It is based on the premise that inequality and discrimination result not (only) from individual hostile acts, but from structures and institutions.” @gautambhatia88 Only in brackets important & added by me.
An test for entry may be “neutral” but yet exclude by aligning with exclusionary institutions; if an physical entrance test for firefighter includes activities not necessary for fulfilling duties and unintentionally poses #gender-barriers, deserves to be struck down. #NoteToSelf
Read 95 tweets
Whenever confronted about human rights violations in #Kashmir the standard #RightWing Apologists' response is either,
a) whatabout the #KashmiriPandits plight;
b) Look at Pakistani civil rights abuses against Hindus.
Both are wrong, irrelevant and damage #India's #democracy
1. The violence and eviction of the #KashmiriPandits deserved action by the State at the time and now. The perpetrators were armed insurgents. Punishing today's #Kashmir #citizens does nothing to punish those insurgents and even less to create the conditions for the #KPs' return
If anything the Delhi Govt's actions in #Kashmir seem to make cynical use of the #KashmiriPandits' plight as merely a piece of history that justifies the atrocities the State in now inflicting on the people of #Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits should refuse to be used as pawns.
Read 8 tweets
Some utter nonsense is peddled wrt #assamnrc. Illegal immigrants r determined by the IMDT Act 1983, which was introduced by Indira Gandhi in 1983 midway during assam agitation (1979-85). 1/n
#assamnrc between 1983 & 2019 NRC update, 1.17 lakh people r declared "illegal immigrants". Another 2 lakh cases under IMDT Act r pending taking total to 3 lakh. Over 1 lakh already lost voting rights as per 1997 HC order. 2/n
It means, there were 3 lakh declared/suspected illegal immigrants till #assamnrc was published. Over 1 lakh lost voting rights since 1997. And Guwahati HC denied citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
In response to @AOC’s #idiotic assertion that #US operated #detention facilities are #concentrationcamps, @Liz_Wheller posted a comment that @PPFA abortion businesses are the #concentration #camps we have to worry about.
@EmmaBella212 took exception to her observation. I replied, observing that #blastocysts, #embryos, and #fetuses are #human #beings.
@EricBrown1982 takes exception to my assertion that #science defines the offspring of #human #parents as #human and/or my assertion that #science confirms that the #blastocyst, the #embryo, and the #fetus are all #living #beings.
Read 37 tweets
1/Children & young people with autism and learning disabilities who could be living in the community with specialist support are languishing for years in Assessment & Treatment Units, some of them locked up 24/7 in isolation rooms, bec of severe financial pressure on Local Auths
2/ At the same time, private providers running these ATUs are raking in profits, being paid £452m per yr in what has become a market driven provision where autistic and LD people are little more than commodities
3/ This in spite of the fact that caring for them in the community would be far less expensive not to mention far better for the individuals concerned, their quality of life, their security and safety and their wellbeing
Read 20 tweets

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