∙Azriel tweets that she met R. Kelly
∙Friend claims Azriel is Kelly's "live-in girlfriend" thejasminebrand.com/2017/07/19/tee…
∙Azriel filmed at R. Kelly concert in 2016 tmz.com/2019/01/08/r-k…
∙Sheryl Mack releases statement to Tasha K. mentioning Azriel web.archive.org/web/2018082117… (deleted statement: )
∙#SurvivingRKelly premieres oxygen.com/crime-time/azr…
∙Azriel's odd YouTube post in past tense

Azriel Clary hasn’t contacted her parents in 543 days and hasn’t been seen in public in 822 days.

Where is Azriel Clary?
Investigate @TMZ too!

My intent wasn’t to be threatening. Clary’s father said in a recent interview he hadn’t seen recent pictures of Azriel.