The latest in our #DiscordLeaks series dives into alt-right internet subculture surrounding Dylann Roof in the wake of recent arrests of would-be shooters acting in Roof's name.
'Bowl Patrol': 39554 messages discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server…
'BOWL COIN': 4,762 messages discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server…
-Ben McDowell: Feb 2017
-Edward & Jeffrey Clark: Oct-Nov 2018
-Liz Lecron & Vince Armstrong: Dec 2018
-Dakota Reed: Dec 2018
His brother Edward shot himself after learning his messages with Pittsburgh shooter Robert Bowers would be discovered: unicornriot.ninja/2018/arrested-…
Reardon is one of the main participants in 'Bowl Patrol', the group that promotes Dylann Roof imagery.

He's on probation, has a violent criminal history, and helped organize a Florida caravan to attend #UniteTheRight in Charlottesville.
