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Dec 18th 2022
Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century - Mark Sedgwick Image
(p. 22) Jacques Maritain recommended for publication Rene Guenon’s L’introduction ge´ne´rale a` l’e´tude des doctrines hindoues (A General Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines) Image
(pp. 51-3) Background of Ananda Coomaraswamy.
#Englishman #Anglican #Perennialist #WilliamBlake #Ficino #WilliamButlerYeats ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
A Russian defeat can be more disastrous than a Ukrainian surrender.
Russians have nuclear weapons and an egoistic president suffering from a #narcissistic personality disorder.
May God help us all!
Nuclear or Chemical Weapons exchange will destroy the global environment
There is literature available on how nuclear war can instigate a nuclear winter.
That means the #sunlight will not be able to permeate the agricultural ecosystem, most crops won't grow in darkness and cold weather and that will lead to global food production disruption and famine
Previously, Western Experts had studied the possibility of nuclear winter in the context of South Asia, where nuclear arch-rivals India and Pakistan have maintained unconventional weapon arsenals for a long time.
Never thought this geostrategic risk could emanate from Eurasia?
Read 6 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
@gho1989 sent me a DM with some great questions, and I want to relay our conversation here. He asked who might be in line after #Putin, in case of an accident or “accident” befalling the Russian leader, and the prospects of insider regime change in Russia.
This ties in with another topic of interest, @mtaibbi’s Substack column on Putin’s rise in 90s Russia and the connivance of Western interests in his political advance. Taibbi knows Russia, having started as a journalist in Moscow for an alt-weekly:…
The piece is good, especially with the detail work on the corruption and blackmail that served as the main channel of political competition in Yeltsin’s “democratic” Russia, and the Western profiteering that enabled it.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

NATO-member Leaders gave Security #Assurances against #NATO #Expansion Eastward to Soviet leaders by among others: #Bush, #Kohl, #Mitterrand and #Thatcher.

NATO Expansion: What #Gorbachev Heard:

"Not an Inch East"

@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

#US officials told #Russian President Boris #Yeltsin in 1993 that the "#Partnership_for_Peace" was the #Alternative to #NATO_expansion, NOT a #Precursor to it:

NATO Expansion: What #Yeltsin Heard:

@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #NAKED #TRUTH:

They are #LIARS. 🤥
& They #KNOW they are LIARS. 🤨
& They know that #WE know they are Liars. 😠
Even so, they #KEEP Lying, very #Loudly so. 😡
(#Najib #Nahfouz)
Read 5 tweets
Sep 14th 2020

Federal official who interfered with #CDC reports on COVID-19 has deep ties to Russia

#Caputo’s Kremlin ties "were so concerning that he became a target" of special counsel’s #Muellerprobe

#Caputo, assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, INTERFERED in the #CDC's reports on COVID-19 in order to make them conform to President #Trump's claims about the pandemic.

#Caputo lived in Russia for 6 years and served as an adviser to former Russian President #Yeltsin from 1995-1999 before #Putin became Russia's president.

The HHS assistant secretary was an adviser to a subsidiary of #Gazprom, an energy company owned by the Russian government
Read 4 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Claro, x eso se ensalza #NAZIonalismo #Razista #Supremacista #Egoista #Excluyente fundamentado en la DIFERENCIA con el VECINO y en producir TENSIONES y CONFLICTOS incluso BÉLICOS como en #Balkanes o #Ukrania o el q venimos padeciendo #ETA y a punto reventar en #España VERDAD?
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Por eso quiénes están detrás son justamente #Rusia #China

#ISISRsEl y #USA verdad?
XQ quieren q seamos más fuertes contra ellos, no?

Claro.x eso nos empujan a #GuerraCivil y #Balkanizacion para estar tan UNIDOS como #ExYugoslavia o #Ukrania

Sois vendidos #Elite #NWO #Dugin
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Vamos a ver sí te enteras un poquito, o mejor, a ver sí dejas de intentar engañar

#Salvini CERDO #Sionista #NazBol aliado d #Putin y #Trump pertenece al Club #Ambrossiano el pequeño #Bilderberg ITALIANO y es habitual d las fiestas/recepciones #Rothschild trabaja #Destruir #UE
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Oct 3rd 2018
October 3-4, 1993: #Moscow uprising against U.S./#Yeltsin capitalist counter-revolution & Black October massacre #Октябрь1993 #ЧерныйОктябрь #socialism #USSR #Russia
October 3-4 marks the anniversary of the heroic uprising against #BorisYeltsin’s #imperialist-backed attack on the Supreme Soviet in Moscow. The uprising’s defeat represented the final overturn of socialist relations and the restoration of #capitalism in the USSR.
Several years of counter-revolutionary developments within and without had seriously demoralized the Soviet working class. Generations of non-combative, revisionist leadership left the Soviet people unprepared to fight back to defend socialism.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 3rd 2018
🗝(1) “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
For over a year we’ve been bombarded with rhetoric about #Russia #NorthKorea and #Iran yet no one seems to remember Clinton/Gore but we should, it’s important.
(2) #ClintonGore ran in 92’ consciously ignoring foreign policy and there’s no doubt America had war fatigue. Gore’s slogan was “it’s the economy stupid” and when they won despite the #ColdWar having just ended both of them barely even mentioned #Russia
(3) #ClintonGore inherited a political dream of sorts. For the first time #Russia was eager and willing to work with America they were cooperating across the spectrum and agreements with Bush Sr. were in place to reduce nuclear arsenals by 66% Democracy was at its most popular.
Read 25 tweets

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