• all of the genocide
• removal from homelands by RCMP
• assimilation
• residential schools
• potlatch ban
• theft&selling of our ceremonial items which still sit in museums around the world
• diseases that colonizers brought with them that damn near wiped us all out
• smallpox blankets
My grandmother. My grandfather. My uncles. My aunties. All survivors. All lived their lives carrying this trauma/pain/shame.
•racism & discrimination with the health care system
•extreme racism and discrimination and dehumanization within the justice system.
•racism & discrimination walking down the street
•racism & discrimination on SM
•Tina Fontaine - murdered by Raymond Cormier, who wrapped her tiny 15 yo body in a blanket, weighted it with rocks and tossed her in the river. Acquitted.
•6,000 children laid to rest in unmarked graves beside residential schools.
• CN blasting through our hereditary lands, occupied or not.
• Indian Act controlled funds to communities, with the swipe of a pen, can decide to discontinue funds if they do wish.
• Contaminated waters.
• forced poverty
•forced starvation
• no housing
• no healthcare
• limited, select few post secondary education opportunities.
Canada is mad at what? What are you mad at?
Canada tells us to be peaceful.
Canada tells us anger isn’t the way.
Not for Canada.
Not while they continue to commit the same crimes as their forefathers.
I can spare it for the people who do not know, who didn’t know, but who do now and want to do better. Be better.
Be mad at your governments. Be mad at the systems that withheld the truth from you for so long. You deserve to be educated, so proper discourse can be had.