The perimeter was equally formidable, with security fencing, official patrols, check points and razor wire.

The first is a promise that I have some truly uplifting elements to share about my experience— things that give me hope & courage.
The second is a request. That you pray for & care enough to help #refugees?

The first place we visited was the hidden hearth of the communities. It is known as the “Healthy Kitchen”, wherein nutritious— even tasty! — meals are made for the camp’s 8,000 schoolchildren in 5 schools each day.

The produce is fresh and nutritious. Each bag is stamped with the meal’s nutritional values & calories.

12 Bakers (yeah, a literal Bakers Dozen)
12 Bakers Assts
28 Cleaners
30 Washers
30 Packers (not Green Bay, but certainly as devoted as their fans)
4 Drivers
4 Supervisors
21 Food Distributors

Well, here’s how these #Syrian #refugee preschoolers approach a typical school day in their @worldvision early childhood education #ECE centre.
🐻 🐻 The 🐻
🐻 Gummy 🐻
🐻 Bear 🐻 🐻
🐻 Song 🐻 🐻
🐻 🐻 🐻
😎 In French! 😎
“They are getting their #childhood back”

Dr. Mayada tells me kids love it! Promoting healthy handwashing saves lives.