Our discussion tonight will focus on "9 Principles to Getting a Recognition, Promotion or Salary Increase at Work." # #HRwithEM

Find out what your line manager's goals and objectives are and help him/her reach them. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Pay attention to what your line manager likes and how he/she wants things done.
What is your line manager continually complaining about or what needs to be done regularly? #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Regularly finding out what you could do to make life easier, keeps you in the manager's focus. When the manager needs things done, or when it's time to recommend one for promotion, you would easily come to mind. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Being loyal is key to #BreakingBarriers that would hinder your elevation in your current job. Never speak negatively about your line manager or the company you work for, or be around those who do. #HRwithEM
Pay attention to the perception that your line manager has of you because it is generally his/her reality. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Perception is more powerful than the truth. Guard it, protect it, enhance it. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Your manager does not need you to add more problems to the list he/she already has. He/she needs solutions. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Any job can get monotonous. Find something or get a vision that will spark that spirit of excellence at your job, so you dont get bored. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Vince Lombardi said, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour." #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
You need to evaluate your level of commitment to every aspect of your life if you want to see that change in your career progression. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Should you have any question(s), please keep tweeting them at me using the hashtag #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM and I will respond to all of them.
Thanks once again to @BreakingBarrie3 and @dayus4heaven for making your platform available. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM