Like seriously! #BreakingBarriers @AishaYesufu @Ibilola_Amao @TerryannScott @Amakamedia
Let's face it, I was struck when @Chude analyze expectations VS reality at #TheJoyMasterClass recently @oyinscott
paying much attention to the flow. What we do notice, though, is our
emotions—especially our intense negative ones—like worry, resentment,
anger or fear.
#BreakingBarriers @jide_martins @babaidris090
negative you’ll feel the negative.
#BreakingBarriers @IyanlaVanzant
you live in, or car you drive. The struggle is not competing with
others, but rather competing with you own self. #BreakingBarriers
thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and
lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8)
#BreakingBarriers @iamtopehassan @ikeamadi
awareness, monitor any thoughts associated with anxious or depressive
feelings. #BreakingBarriers @paulocoelho @ValaAfshar
doubts, fears, and negativity), emphatically tell yourself: Stop it!
Drop it! If this doesn't work, try distracting yourself. #BreakingBarriers
words, go exercise, call a friend, watch a movie, meditate—whatever
you need to do to get your mind off of your negative thoughts. Those are my secrets. They will help you too. #BreakingBarriers
purpose. They can help you realize that you don’t have to be helpless
to your thoughts. #BreakingBarriers
you can sidestep destructive thinking, you’re on your way to
understanding that you ultimately have a choice—a choice to be a
passenger along for the insecurity-driven ride #BreakingBarriers
the wheel, steering your thoughts and your life in a healthier, more
liberated direction.
Getting stuck in inner conflict is like driving a car with 3 flat
tyres. It slows you down and everything takes more effort and energy. #BreakingBarriers
stuck in this zone, the more it starts to drive you crazy. Am sure you've been here before?
loosening the grip of inner conflict so you don’t become permanently
stuck and pot-bound. #BreakingBarriers
feeling inside eventually builds up to a point where it finally
becomes unbearable. You just can’t stand the status quo stalemate
anymore. #BreakingBarriers
your passions and dreams. But not after having gone through a lot of
inner conflict and emotional pain. Often your body will push things to
a head. #BreakingBarriers
in order to find pathways and activities that enliven you. Creating
the space to do this. Then committing to follow through. To follow
your bliss.
you is NOT the one that’s coming from your rational mind. It’s tuning
into what your intuition and heart have been trying to tell you.
onto someone else, inadvertently opting for powerlessness and passive
victim roles. Remember you are human! #BreakingBarriers
inside of you, it’s vital that you accept your vulnerabilities. This
ironically makes you stronger inside. I know people don't want to be vulnerable but therein is your power to breakthrough. #BreakingBarriers
visiting the underworld to find out out what fears and unmet needs are
driving your choices, and which parts of you are overly attached to
these. #BreakingBarriers
You CAN clear up the mess in your head so you can start living the life you want. #BreakingBarriers
on how you thought it was ‘supposed to be.’ #BreakingBarriers
of this practice is simply returning to the peaceful feeling of being
and working with what’s available to you in the moment. #BreakingBarriers
the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather
than as you had expected.
So embrace life’s surprises. Smile and realize that it’s far better
to be pleasantly surprised than hopelessly disappointed.
Remember with God it's people like us that SUCCEED in life. #BreakingBarriers
Thanks for the RTs and likes 👏 I love you.
To your success,
Adedayo Olabamiji