If every one of us in my community of followers invests 30-seconds, we will raise nearly $10,000 for mental health initiatives.
If we all watch AND retweet this, we raise nearly $20,000.
For every tweet and retweet today with the #BellLetsTaIk hashtag in it, Bell will donate money to mental health initiatives.
More importantly, it gets us talking.
We need to talk about this.
Nearly every one of us will have a time when we look in the mirror and see the face of someone struggling.
We all hurt.
Mental health challenges touch our lives. They affect our loved ones. They injure our friends.
Yet, we seldom talk about it.
Click on the #BellLetsTaIk hashtag.
People are talking about it.
That matters so much.
We wear masks when it hurts the most and we seal ourselves off when we most need support.
If each of you do nothing more than watch the vid, retweet this thread, and write one with #BellLetsTaIk, we’ll raise $50k together.
Someone you know needs that from you right now. They just haven’t said it.
Thank you for reading and sharing.
I’m in your debt.