All of us regularly say yes unthinkingly sometimes
Or out of:
Vague attraction
Fear of disappointing
We can’t say no—because we might miss out on something if we did
👇 {THREAD} 👇
Saying no is pretty much a super power
So, let’s jump straight in it then ladies and gentlemen
The resource we waste the most of, but will never get any of it back
If you haven’t guessed already, that resource is ⏰
Money can be re-earned.
Time is our most irreplaceable asset.
We cannot buy more of it. We cannot get a second of it back.
We can only hope to waste as little as possible.
Yet somehow we treat it as the most renewable of all resources.
Remember the keys that I present you in this thread
If you follow these ideas, you will become more confident in your skin and you’ll just feel more powerful.
Key 1: Keeping the End at the Beginning
Having an end in mind is not a guarantee that you’ll reach it
But not having an end in mind is a guarantee you won’t
When your efforts are not directed at a cause or a purpose...
How will you know what to say yes to and what to say no to?
How will you know when you’ve had enough, when you’ve reached your goal, when you’ve gotten off track, if you’ve never defined what those things are?
The answer is that you cannot
So you go crazy because you have no path in life
We are each unique
We’re the only ones who can evaluate and set the terms of our lives
We look at other people and make their approval the standard we want to meet.
This is so very backwards, everyone.
It’s about being what you are and being as good as possible at it without falling to the things that suck you away from it
It’s about going where you set out to go.
About accomplishing the most you can in what you choose.
Sit down, think.
You need to know what you want
You need to know what you don’t want and what your choices preclude
Strategies are often mutually exclusive. Life requires tradeoffs.
So why do you do what you do?
That’s the question you need to answer.
Only when you realize this
You can you say no.
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