First, why does she call it a gendered term, HIMpathy?
Very strange...

The story continues...
You can't see in image, but it's a link to a study about gender bias in pain assessment in medical situations:…

6 posts about gender bias in pain assessment
1 post about "Women and children first" being a supposed myth
1 post about Brett Kavanaugh
The evidence literally consists of a case of a single individual. Sample size of one. Uno.
So why is she and everyone of her fans saying that she was ONLY talking about Dudebros like Brock Turner? Is she dishonest? Yes.. but..
She presents a more extreme position. Then when I challenge her, and show that she is clearly wrong, she retreats and innocently says "Oh, I was only talking X!"…
If she publicly admits that people, in general, show more sympathy towards women, then I will respond to her more specific point.
Now I say au revoir. Thanks for reading.
@CHSommers @AndrewCutler13 @phl43 @RealYeyoZa