Hiya CALpers
Through an investment managed by a
New Jersey hedge fund,
California’s public pension fund
appears 2 have owned as much as
ONE-THIRD of American Media Inc.(AMI),
the National Enquirer’s parent company
in 2016.
have included oil pipelines,
retailers that sell semiautomatic rifles,
Russian sovereign debt +
coal-producing companies.
CalPERS invested $607.7 million w
Chatham Asset Management hedge fund’s
“Chatham Eureka Fund,”
which is a “fund of one”
a type of investment created +
managed 4 a single institutional investor
rather than 4 a pooled group of investors.
Chatham Asset Management said
its Eureka Fund technically has 2 investors.
1 is the hedge fund itself,
which holds a 1% stake,
suggesting other 99% is held by CalPERS.
snapped up majority stake in American Media Inc. (AMI)
in 2014, when publisher was struggling 2 emerge from
2010 bankruptcy + needed a financial lifeline.
Chatham holds 2 seats on AMI’s board.
American Media Inc.
reported 4 Chatham-controlled funds
owned 78% of AMI.
Largest single owner was
Eureka Fund,
w 34% overall stake
suggesting CalPERS
in essence
owned one-third of the tabloid publisher.
investments in hedge funds since 2014
as part of plan 2 cut costs + simplify state’s investments.
Hence, CalPERS
ending relationship w [Chatham] hedge fund,
CalPERS fund
equals $350 billion in investment.
Y did they even need AMI invest?
AMI board is made up of Pecker;
Chatham Asset Management partners
Evan Ratner + Barry Schwartz;
+ David Hughes, CFO of
Shore Memorial Hospital in NJ.
Bezos>AMI>tRUmp>Saudi Arabia>Chatham>CalPERS
Y did CalPERS work w Chatham?
Seems odd.
The Division of Investment,
under supervision of
the State Investment Council,
is 1 of lrgst pension fund managers in U.S.
Pension fund supports retirement plans
of approx 769,000
active + retired employees
in 7 public pension systems.

National Inquirer
Men's Fitness
In Touch
Life & Style
Lee Enterprises [46 daily newspapers]
--McClatchy Co.
--Miami Herald
Postmedia Network [Nat'l, Dailies, Weeklies, Mags]
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