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1/ Dimanche soir dans @EnqueteExclu sur #M6 à 23h15 sera diffusé le film-documentaire que nous avons réalisé avec mon ami Solomon Kane. Intitulé "#Transnistrie, #Abkhazie, #Ossétie : voyage dans les pays fantômes des #Soviets", il traite des zones grises autour de la mer Noire. Image
2/ Ces zones grises sont des Etats séparatistes soutenus par #Moscou. La plupart d'eux datent de la chute de l'union soviétique au début des années 90. Ils sont les fruits des manœuvres du #KGB pour empêcher les pays dans lesquels ils sont situés de sortir du giron de la #Russie.
3/ En #Moldavie, la #Transnistrie est un de ces territoires séparatistes. Nous nous y sommes rendus clandestinement après l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine. La population y est prorusse et russophone. Elle est alimentée par un discours antioccidental et anti-européen. ImageImageImageImage
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Warum der Krieg zwischen #Russland und der #Ukraine?
Ist es ein Stellvertreterkrieg gegen die #NATO/#USA?
Oder eher klassischer Eroberungskrieg?
Beides ist falsch.
Die Bücher von Masha Gessen (2012) + Karen Dawisha (2014) offenbaren die Gründe, warum u.a. dieser Krieg… ⬇️ ImageImage
… angezettelt wurde.
Als sich die #Sowjetunion 1991 auflöste, blieb lediglich der #KGB als machtvolle Struktur intakt. Einzelne Gruppen des KGB nutzten im allgemeinen Chaos der SU-Auflösung…
… ihre alten Verbindungen und ihren Einfluss zu den größten Raubzügen der Zivilisationsgeschichte, in denen sie sich die Ressourcen und Produktionsmittel des ganzen Landes unter den Nagel rissen. So entstand …
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1/ The head of @FIIA_fi, @MikaAaltola, warns that in the long run, #Russia will try to turn #Finland into a ”different and special” #NATO member, something between #Hungary and #Norway.

This is noteworthy as there is a cabinet formation process going on in Helsinki.

2/ In Hungary, Russia used three important tools to increase her influence, eventually enabling Orbán’s autocratization:

1) Demoralization in front of the totalitarian heritage (inadequate #lustration)
2) Corrupt networks of the ancien regime
3) Organized crime with Russian ties Image
3/ While Finland was never a communist dictatorship, all the elements above were present in the country after the Cold War.

#Finlandization turned into #PostFinlandization, protecting local #KGB-connected elites. Staying outside #NATO made the problem even more dangerous. Image
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Gentile Marco Travaglio @marcotravaglio
questa informazione che putin -chekista, stalinista, assasino, ladro, trafficante di droga- e' votato dai russi dove hai pescato esattamente?
Hai chiamato #KGB?
Oppure loro ti hanno mandato cosidette "linee guide" per i propagandisti?
1/ Image
Forse hai fatto un sogno?
Ti svelo un segreto: putin non e' stato scelto dal popolo russo.
Tutte le elezioni sono state falsate. Ci sono le prove dai filmati, testimonianze, osservatori internazionali.
Ha usurpato il potere.
Cominci ad informarti 1-🧵
2-🧵 Cittadini russi che protestano contro l'annessione della Crimea e contro l'invasione militare in Donbass - proteste di solo Marzo 2014

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Soviet Interference in the 1964 US Presidential Election:

Today we'll be examining a document that sheds light on the Soviet Union's experience with interference in a foreign presidential election.
#Soviet #US #Presidential #Election #Republicans #Democrats #UnitedStates #KGB Image
The note, dated September 1964, was signed by the head of the KGB and the deputy head of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ImageImage
In the document above, you can read the Soviet plan to interfere in the 1964 US elections, an action plan for implementing "active measures" in the upcoming US presidential election.

Document credits:
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Elon's mother was #Canadian.
Did she, like #Justin's mother, get herself impregnated by a #Communist leader???
Official history makes out that #MaoZedong was some random peasant, but #British and #Jesuit schemers had been sowing wild oats in #China for generations previously. ImageImage
Of course, the #KGB may also have been sending Red Sparrows to #China in order to collect the #Genes of #MaoZedong, knowing that anyone created by #British or #Jesuit schemers would have been top level #Genius. No surprise that Mao has offspring in #Soviet lands.
And it could be even DEEPER.
Remember how Skull and Bones stole the bones of #Geronimo, the #Apache leader? Apache people spoke a language related to Navajo and Dene, thus were part of the 2nd wave to move from #Siberia into the Americas. And in the land of Astana (Satana)...
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#Finland's state deputy prosecutor has brought charges of gross misconduct against ethnic #Russia`n spy Georgij Alafuzoff. Alafuzoff has previously served as intelligence chief of @Puolustusvoimat & #EU military staff

#Turpo #Säkpol Image
@Puolustusvoimat Case have been open for years, but #Russia`n full scale operation in #Ukraine & #Finland`s desire to join #NATO has finally led to charges against #Russia`n spy.

He collected secret info & have given it to those who should not get them.

#Turpo #Säkpol
All should ask now how it is even legal & possible to point ethnic #Russia`n to command #Finland`s & #EU military intelligence. Western liberalism has go too far. Russian is Russian in every situation & Russians pursue Russian interests.

#Turpo #Säkpol
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Für das neue @DATUMSDZ habe ich mir die #Stasi-Unterlagen angesehen, in denen der #KGB-Verbindungsoffizier #Putin vorkommt. Für ihn war die Zeit in Dresden 1985-1990 prägend & viele Verstrickungen von #AUT mit dem Kreml haben ihren Ursprung in dieser Zeit…
Interessant ist auch, wie sehr die sowjetische TV-Serie "Siebzehn Augenblicke des Frühling" (1973) Putin beeinflusst hat. Er hat immer wieder auf die Serie & ihren Helden #Stierlitz angespielt
Die Serie ist übrigens auf Youtube mit deutschen Untertiteln zu sehen. Keine plumpe Propaganda. Nur das Tempo ist extrem langsam. Gegen Ende dann sehr spannend. Stierlitz ist der absolute Anti-#JamesBond: Reserviert, schmallippig & melancholisch
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معرفی یک #فیلم
سریال #ازسردسیر یک سریال در ژانر جاسوسی و رازآلوده .
داستان با ورود یک سینگل مام و دخترش به مادرید شروع میشه و در دنباله معلوم‌میشه که این مادر یک جاسوس و پرستوی اطلاعاتی #KGB بوده که سالها قبل از سازمان بریده ، در امریکا هویت و نامی جدید برای خودش ساخته
ازدواج کرده و صاحب دختری شده .
حالا #CIA مجبورش میکنه به همکاری
فیلم دائم فلاش‌بک میزنه به دوران نوجوانی وی که در موسکو کارآموز بوده و افسر رابطش یک زن زیبا ، اما بسیار خشن روس بوده که وی را تحت شدیدترین شکنجه‌های روحی و جسمی قرار میداده تا وی را آماده انجام‌عملیاتی کنه و
دست آخر هم زنه میره پیش
ریاست بخش اداره کا‌گ‌ب و میگه این دختره به درد نمیخوره و رئیس میگه میدونی که مهره سوخته باید کشته بشه و اگه نتونه این عملیات رو انجام بده ، هم خودت رو با کمال میل میکشیم و هم دختره رو .
در پایان سریال و بعد از کش و قوسهای فراوان تازه میفهمید که
Read 16 tweets
Mentre tutti i governi sanno che la #Russia ha vinto e continuerà a liberare la #Novorossia e la #Transnistria, alcuni fingono di credere che invaderà la #Moldavia come ha fatto in #Ucraina. Non importa che dopo la dissoluzione dell'#URSS, la #Transnistria si sia (1/10) Image
dichiarata indipendente come la #Crimea. L'importante è continuare a presentare la #Russia come una tirannia conquistatrice che devasta tutto ciò che incontra sul suo cammino.
Va ricordato che quando la #Moldavia si è dichiarata indipendente, ha riconosciuto come nulle le (2/10)
conseguenze del Patto tedesco-sovietico del 1939, compresa l'annessione della #Transnistria alla sua entità politica. Tuttavia, poco dopo, l'ha rivendicata come proprio territorio. Nel giugno 1992, il colonnello Howard J.T. Steers, ufficiale dell'intelligence militare (3/10)
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Some historical reflections on Seymour #Hersh and the legendary CIA chief James #Angleton. Hersh was the journalist who (probably) "finally ruined" James Angleton. Angleton understood (thanks defector #Golitsyn) the communist (#KGB) ... (1/9)
... long-term strategic thinking. He also understood camouflage, deception and infiltration by KGB (timeless!) Angleton came to believe that the KGB had mounted a massive disinformation campaign designed to mislead the Western allies. As Angleton saw it, the split ... (2/9)
between Khrushchev and Mao, which culminated in the Soviet Union suspending all aid to China in 1961, was.. a carefully orchestrated deception – a ploy to persuade the West to lower its guard (according to information of defector #Golitsyn) A decade later, as student ... (3/9)
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The Soviet #KGB and American #communists figured out the #JFKassassination a long time before the rest of us did…

Analysis of secret FBI documents declassified in 2017 under the #JFK Records Act: 🗂🗄 ⬇️ Image
On Nov. 27, 1963 Nikolai Federenko, Permanent Representative to the United Nations for USSR stated that the Soviet Union “would have preferred to have #JFK at the helm of the American government… that he tried seriously to improve relations between the US & #Russia.” @Dpol_un Image
Lee Harvey Oswald “came to the attention of the KGB when he expressed a wish to defect to the Soviet Union.

However, the KGB, after inquiry, decided he was mentally unstable and informed him he had to return to the United States.” Image
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🇷🇺tries to distract us from the big picture🧵
Unlike Russia, Ukrainians do not want to dominate Europe, but to be a part of it🇪🇺🇺🇦

They do everything to defend their country and free the citizens from the terror of the occupation regime.
Putin wants to rob Ukraine of its future.
Ukrainian democracy has issues (like every democracy), but it's a democracy. The differences with Russia have become even bigger in the last 9 years.

Russia is an imperialist dictatorship and the Kremlin views the EU and what it stands for as an enemy, since many years already.
This is the big picture and we need to be aware of it.

Russian propaganda tries to distract and confuse us with a lot of disinfo about Ukraine. These stories are fabricated, exaggerated or taken out of context.

They know how to manipulate us and it works, since decades. #KGB
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1/ #KGB is my religion. For those who believe that the orthodox church in #Russia will support peace and truth, this will be hopeless. But why? Well. Tyrants fear the truth and they see religion is one of the highest risks. Russia had already an autocratic political system, but…
2/ this was more less a joke in how Stalin transferred the system. He censored everything individual income, news about price increase for food, statistics about crime, ads for foreign products and more. Stalin ordered to burn all books which didn’t fit in his mind, because …
3/ they could harmed them. (Imagine him as the hardcore Desantis version). Books like Sherlock Holmes because he was an individual man, capable to think by his own and question problems, Robinson Cruse because the communists saw it as capitalistic as it as about the success of…
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In case you missed it, few weeks ago Russian Intelligence Service #SVR launched their own magazine called “Rasviedchik” (Intelligence officer). Let’s look into best gems of the first issue 1/🧵
The front page gives us a photo of Putin from December 2020 (a speech on the occasion of the 100th year of SVR) and a service slogan: “Our quest for knowledge is not for glory but to know the truth for the good of the State.” Catchy. 2/
Inside head of Service S. Narushkin greets us warmly. Remember, it is the same Sergey that was publicly humiliated by Putin last year. 3/
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The starets of Dyerdoxy, bishop Photios Farrell (Joseph P. Farrell) is an Adjunct Professor of Patristic Theology and Apologetics at the California Graduate School of Theology, founded by William S. McBirnie, an ordained Baptist pastor and author.
It's a position Farrell has held for many years (as seen from this 2005 archived screenshot) and his partner in crime, Scott Douglas de Hart, also used to work at CALGRAD where he was the Academic Dean.
Joseph P. Farrell aka bishop Photios of the Celtic Orthodox church states he is on a break from “official Orthodoxy”.
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1. Nikita Petrov's biography of the 1st #KGB chairman Ivan Serov refers to dozens of never before seen docs from the FSB Central Archive.

One of them - Serov's report to the CPSU Central Committee from 10/21/55 - describes the massive purges began by Mao's regime in July 1955.
2. As quoted by Petrov, the report ends with the statement that "the [KGB] advisory administration is providing assistance but without getting involved in the principal orientation of the campaign." (Petrov, p. 447)
3. However, in his autobiography (whose bona fides are disputed by some scholars, but not, generally speaking, by Petrov), Serov wrote that he suggested to Khrushchev to warn Mao about the likely negative consequences of the purges.
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Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century - Mark Sedgwick Image
(p. 22) Jacques Maritain recommended for publication Rene Guenon’s L’introduction ge´ne´rale a` l’e´tude des doctrines hindoues (A General Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines) Image
(pp. 51-3) Background of Ananda Coomaraswamy.
#Englishman #Anglican #Perennialist #WilliamBlake #Ficino #WilliamButlerYeats ImageImageImageImage
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🇷🇺 "La nouvelle idéologie de violence et de mort qui a marqué le XXe siècle et le suicide de l'Europe a son origine dans la révolution russe, plus encore que dans la Première guerre mondiale." #Beevor…
🇷🇺 "C'est #Lénine qui a inventé le goulag, la Tchéka, le #KGB, avec leur cohorte de tortures, d'assassinats, de massacres. Opposer les méthodes de Lénine à celles de #Staline est une fable." #Beevor
🇷🇺 "Ce qu'il se passe actuellement en #Ukraine est [une] guerre froide 2, [...] il s'agit une opposition entre les démocraties libérales et les régimes autoritaires et impérialistes qui ne se référent plus au communisme." #Beevor #Russie
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Today is the anniversary of the #Holodomor, a terrible tragedy for the entire #Ukrainian people. During the period 1932-1933 the soviet executioners exterminated more than 4-7 million people - one fifth of the then population of #Ukraine.👇 Image
👆It is very important to understand that the genocide of the Ukrainian people was carried out by the hands of the NKVD (future #KGB), which brought up the bloodiest dictator of our time - #putin. For all these crimes against humanity,👇…
👆no one in russia has ever repented, and the terrible brand of chekist continues to be perceived in #russia as an honorary title.
The Soviet executioners killed and tortured many times more of their fellow citizens than the troops of Nazi Germany during World War II. 👇
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Colonel Vladimir Kravchenko was the first head of the KGB Press Bureau.

Was Kravchenko's only book "Under the Name of Schmidhen" published in 1970 (see below) based on an intentional historical falsification?


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In his book, Kravchenko claimed that Ian Buikis was the real name of the Cheka agent Schmidhen who played a significant role in the sting counterintelligence operation against the British envoy Bruce Lockhart & his associates in Russia in 1918.

Kravchenko stated that his claim was based on the Cheka archival documents & on interviews with Buikis who was still alive in the late 1960s.

Kravchenko's version of the events was widely repeated in the subsequent scholarship about the operation.

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Just finished reading Andrei P. Frolov's book "#KGB and the Art of Counterintelligence: A Perspective on CI Theory from the Inside" published in Moscow in 2003.

This book hasn't been translated into English, so I decided to share some of my notes in the thread below.
Andrei Frolov was a KGB colonel who spent most of his career teaching at the Higher School of the KGB in Moscow (today's #FSB Academy). Considered to be one of the top KGB experts on counterintel theory, he authored several (still classified) training manuals on the subject.
Frolov's book is mostly autobiographical. I wouldn't say the book is very revealing, but it does provide an inside view of the educational dynamics and debates at the Higher School not found in any other published account.
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La storia di Enrico Mattei 🇮🇹👨‍🚒🏭🇷🇺🏗 🕵️‍♂️🇺🇸🇬🇧📞💣🛩☠⚰
Comm #Mitrokhin Audizione Col #KGB Leonid #Kolosov
#Mattei è stato ucciso..voleva rendere più strette le relazioni tra #UnioneSovietica e #Italia e mi disse "#Confindustria ed i nostri padroni non sono molto contenti delle mie iniziative con l'oleodotto"…
Il Dip Stato #USA e il problema inerente a Mattei sulla sua "apertura a sinistra"
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Dear Gabrielius, I don't know what's wrong with you, maybe last decade you was out of Earth, however I am here to help.
95% population of Earth and 80% of EU doesn't know who are these exotic countries "Baltic States" you are talking about, so let me explain.

So called 'Baltic States' are simply post-Soviet republics, which lived under communist nomenclature. After USSR's end communist crooks didn't have any Nuremberg for their crimes and went straight to EU.
What they started to do?
Here starts interesting. Cause before being communists they were 3 Reich guys. So they returned to pre-Soviet practics and created a cast of privileged "true" citizens and a cast of "non-citizens" with the stamp of ALIEN in the passport.
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