"How to front-load your membership pricing and double revenues."

Instead, your membership pricing should match the value your membership provides, both in terms of (1) price and (2) timing.
Let's break it down.
This is just another way to say "raise your prices".
This is the novel idea (although obvious enough that many have probably thought of it before).
Here's what really happens...
Customers are happy to get it. And then...
* The content they've already consumed.
* The 1-4 new posts you've written this month.
* Maybe a FB group, Slack, or member forum.
$50 is a great price for this value, but it fails rule #2 above.
I actually can't find a direct link to the podcast. Maybe it was taken down. Maybe James changed his pricing.


Even if that new content is worth the monthly fee, it's never going to be as good as the catharsis of the first month where members turned their lives around.
* Have the content
* Have the sales funnel
* Have the SEO
* Have the affiliates
You already know how to find these customers and sell them something they want. It might not take that much new work.
* New content
* Might not fit your existing sales funnel
* No SEO yet
* No affiliates yet
You have no way of know if anybody, let alone your existing members, really want this new content. It's a lot of work.
But we have an incredibly consistent flow of *new* customers. I'm actually shocked at how small our revenue swings are from day to day or month to month.