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Feb 25th 2022
'Gov.Romney, I’m glad you recognize that alQaeda is a threat because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia.' ~ BHO

'The 80s want their foreign policy back. Cold War’s been over 20yrs'😏…
Full text:

"Sometimes we need time to pass and distance to extend to gain fuller perspective on what we did not see contemporaneously from too close.
Indeed, G-d tells Moses that no person can see His face (which I teach as meaning an up-close encounter) and live, but people can see the back of G-d’s head (which I teach as meaning a more distant previous encounter, growing ever more distant). See Exodus 33:18-23.
Read 55 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
(THREAD) American People & #XRPCommunity: Never forget that 1 year ago (2.24.21), @JoeBiden Exec. Order 14018 REVOKED Trump's @Ripple-centric Executive Order #13772 ("Core Principles for Regulating US Financial System") & Biden literally revoked "prevent taxpayer funded bailouts"
2/ all this chatter on social media in recent weeks about a supposed EO from Joe Biden on crypto… well let’s talk about the traitorous EO 14018 from A YEAR AGO when he killed EO 13772 (which was to prevent taxpayer funded bailouts AND facilitate financial system reform, etc)
3/ We have a few more key dates to add to our timelines:
- Feb. 3, 2017: Trump Executive Order #13772: "Core Principles for Regulating the US Financial System"
- Feb. 24, 2021: Biden E.O. #14018 REVOKES EO #13722
@JohnEDeaton1 @Leerzeit @attorneyjeremy1 @digitalassetbuy @_XRpizza ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
From a 2018 post till today
*Red pill ans receipts gang*

Feinstein husband = Richard Blum
Richard Blum = usps(United States Postal Service)
Richard Blum = Avid Technologies
Avid Technologies = Voting machines
Dominion = Clinton Global initiative
#Pilluminati Image
Diane Feinstein hubby Richard Blum ties to the USPS(United States postal service) Image
*post from August its simple math*

Remember all the money that the dems were throwing around at the USPS through the stimulus relief package fund👀👀 think they were just being nice???
Read 282 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
This month Obamas officially purchased the Edgartown Estate, an $11.75 million waterfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

In 2017 the Obamas purchased an $8.1 million home in DC’s Kalorama neighborhood & own a 6,243 sf home in Chicago’s South Side Kenwood neighborhood.
The listing details the property’s “long and winding driveway, sprawling lawn and incredible water views” and notes that the main residence is “finished with the finest details,” including...
...“multiple seating and entertaining spaces, a modern Chef’s kitchen, and a formal circular dining room surrounded by a wall of windows overlooking the grounds.” It is also equipped with a jacuzzi located off the second-floor balcony...
Read 142 tweets
Jul 5th 2019
#RobertMueller will be testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17.

Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread 👇). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
1) Did #AttorneyGeneral Barr in any way misrepresent your 448-page report?

#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that “it immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.”
2) Who actually wrote Volume I and Volume II of the #MuellerReport?

At this point, it isn’t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
Read 56 tweets
May 14th 2019
News Analysis 🔎 | The author of the #SteeleDossier told a @StateDept official that his client wanted allegations against Trump out before elections, and claimed #Russia had an agent planted in @DNC.

(Thread 👇)…
A recently released @StateDept memo revealed that #SteeleDossier author #ChristopherSteele met with Kathleen Kavalec, then-deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, on Oct. 11, 2016—10 days prior to the @FBI obtaining a #FISA warrant on Carter Page.
Noted in a May 10 letter by Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC to @SecPompeo & IG #Horowitz: “Ms. Kavalec’s contacts with Steele may have been the most significant and memorialized communications with him by a U.S. government official prior to the issuance of the Carter Page FISA warrant.”
Read 38 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
EXCLUSIVE from Jeff Carlson @themarketswork

James Baker Testimony: #MichaelSussmann gave former top FBI attorney James Baker information alleging a #Russian bank was communicating with a server in Trump Tower—an allegation later proven false.…
#PerkinsCoie was also the law firm who had hired #FusionGPS—on behalf of the #ClintonCampaign and the DNC—which in turn hired former British MI6 agent #ChristopherSteele to produce the dossier that has become known as the #SteeleDossier.
Baker’s testimonies before the House judiciary and oversight committees were conducted on Oct 3 & Oct 18 in an unclassified setting with legal counsel present. The transcripts have not been publicly released, but were obtained for this article.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
Notice a pattern? Perkins Coie represents Starbucks (anti-Trump) Amazon (Jeff Bezos WAPO) Google (we own Crowdstrike) Facebook (your conservative posts offend) Twitter (shadowban bandits) @realDonaldTrump is RIGHT!
There’s 3000 contributions to Perkins Coie for last election cycle starting with HRC’s $3 million.
Better question @realDonaldTrump WHY is Weintraub still Vice Chair of the FEC? Do we really expect to get answers about @HillaryClinton egregious campaign donations to Perkins Coie with her on watch?
Read 5 tweets
Mar 16th 2018
🚨🌎 Russia hacks U.S leaves Russian signature? 13 “Russians” meddle in election by protesting Trump? Russians poison a Russian using deadly agent that traces directly to Russia? CUI BONO? CUI BONO?
#WhoBenefits #RussiaGate…
Read 10 tweets
Dec 20th 2017
📍(1) “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive” the story of Google, Perkins Coie, CrowdStrike, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Soros and many other players. To begin, Google has been a client of #PerkinsCoie for quite a long time..
(2) #Google has a very close relationship with Clinton, it goes all the way back to her days as Secretary of State. Not only did they donate heavily to her campaign they also support the Clinton Foundation. In fact the boss even made her campaign plan.
(3) During the campaign Google and Perkins Coie just happened to partner together to release a tool designated to drive voter turnout. “Partnering” seems like a strange term considering they have long worked together.
Read 16 tweets

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