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Most recents (24)

Apr 23rd 2023
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
#Value proposition. I would like to disclose how we #support our #portfolio companies, because I do believe that neither #investments nor market making are enough, if there is nothing else provided. Our #vision is to be a #partner and friend for our portfolio companies and…… Image
Market making (#MM)- it has three main parts: Market #depth - we add more #liquidity on bid and ask side across exchanges where a token is listed on. Spread - we reduce the spread between the best bid and ask offers by adding more quotes around the middle price in the order book.……
#PR and #marketing - the most powerful tool to boost projects on the #crypto market. We support projects with everything from #media to KOLs, and we can act as an outsourcing marketing agency (spoiler - we will extract our marketing department to an independent company very……
Read 10 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
Read 25 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
@ajboekestijn @g900ap Robert van der Noordaa..zelfbenoemde #trollenvanger en #factchecker bij @volkskrant #activisten kliek die..zie ik nu..geen factgecheckte #feiten van een wel deskundige ter zake verdraagt met zijn blijkbaar (te) grote ego en gevoelige tenen..

Je moet het maar kunnen..🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Geen idee waar Robert de deskundigheid, kennis en inzicht vandaan haalt om dit zo stellig te beoordelen als dat de wel objectieve en verifieerbare feiten zijn oordeel alleen al ontkrachten. Hoezo #factchecker? Hij #trolt nu zijn #complottheorie zelf als een volleerd #wappie.>
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Wie wie heeft #vergiftigd en waarom is nog helemaal niet glashelder noch in enig rechtszaak vastgesteld. Weer volstrekt #wappie reactie en duiding van #RobertvanderNoordaa. Als ook feitelijk onjuiste conclusie wat Rusland van plan was of is. Dat is #propaganda, #complottheorie.>
Read 48 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
#covidlong et #emploi
Merci à @AlterIvan1 pour la remontée sur ma TL et @loscharlos pour son 🧵.
"Trois personnes sur quatre (78%) souffrant de #LongCovid ont dû arrêter, faire une pause, réduire ou modifier leur travail depuis qu'elles ont ressenti les symptômes,
selon un nouveau rapport de la plateforme d'embauche leader Indeed."
"Un sur quatre (24%) a arrêté de travailler pendant une période significative ; une pilule difficile à avaler alors que la pression du coût de la vie se fait sentir."…
"Trois personnes sur cinq (61 %) qui souffrent se traînent au travail parce qu'elles n'ont pas le choix et près de la moitié (49 %) des personnes en difficulté ont l'impression qu'elles ne peuvent pas demander le congé ou le soutien dont elles ont besoin parce que leur
Read 34 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
#PrivacyResearchDay C'est parti ! La CNIL accueille aujourd'hui des chercheurs internationaux pour présenter leurs travaux sur la #vieprivée et la protection des #données.
Suivez l'événement en direct en 🇬🇧 ou en 🇫🇷👉…
Suivez le thread ⬇️
La présidente de la CNIL Marie-Laure Denis accueille la communauté internationale au 1er #PrivacyResearchDay ! Des chercheurs qui travaillent et enseignent en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Singapour, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Luxembourg et France.
La CNIL utilise la #recherche de multiples façons :
👉 Lors de la rédaction de recommandations et de lignes directrices.
👉 Dans l'un des cas sur les #cookies, la CNIL s'est référée aux résultats de deux documents de recherche.
Read 69 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
Today might be D-Day for the Digital Services Act!

Together with the European Parliament & Council, the Commission has worked in record time to protect 🇪🇺 citizens online.

Here are the 10 things you need to know about the #DSA ahead of our (hopefully) final trilogue.

1️⃣ With great power comes great responsibility 🕷
The DSA is setting clear, harmonised #obligations for platforms – proportionate to size, impact & risk.

2⃣ A harmonised system to fight ALL forms of #illegal content – from counterfeit or dangerous products to hate speech 🥷🏻
Any national authority will be able to request that illegal content is removed, regardless of where the platform is established in Europe.

Read 12 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Colloque Tralogy III
« #Traduction humaine et traitement automatique des langues : vers un nouveau consensus ? »
‘Human translation and natural language processing: Forging a new consensus?’
Atelier Traduire l’Europe #TEW 🇪🇺
interprétation 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 par @EUInterpreters Image
Société française des traducteurs @SFTfr 🇫🇷
Direction générale de la traduction de la Commission européenne @translatores 🇪🇺
Association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction @affumt_fr
Présentation du programme Europe créative @europe_creative de la DG éducation et culture EAC de la @EU_Commission
Budget 2,4 milliards €
Projet #TranslatorsOnTheCover #TraducteursEnCouverture
Read 17 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new accredited tweetorial – a case-based program on the assessment and management of patients with IgA #nephropathy (#IgAN). Free CE/#CME for #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists! Expert author none other than @IgAN_JBarratt. FOLLOW US . . .
. . . and tell your colleagues to join you here on @ckd_ce, your ONLY source for accredited #tweetorials in the #CKD space! #nephtwitter #nephjc @nephondemand @Nephro_Sparks @edgarvlermamd @ChristosArgyrop @goKDIGO @nicklimd @CKJsocial @ERAkidney @kidney_boy @kidneypathology
1) Welcome to our accredited #tweetorial on optimal contemporary mgt of #IgAN. Earn 0.5h CME/CE credit #physicians #nurses #nursepractitioners #physicianassistants by following this thread. I am @IgAN_JBarratt. @MedTweetorials #nephtwitter #nephjc #FOAMed #MedEd Image
Read 56 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
1) Welcome to our THIRD #accredited serialized #tweetorial from @onc_ce, your new (and only) home for the latest education from #experts on #cancer care. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this thread!
2) We continue to highlight the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (#SABCS21), with more expert commentary for OUR #tweetorial followers! Our content authority is Hal Burstein MD (@drhburstein) from @DanaFarber Cancer Institute & @HarvardMed.
3) @Onc_ce and its companion website are supported by educational grants from Astra Zeneca and Daiichi Sankyo and content is intended for #healthcare providers. Faculty disclosures are listed at
Read 35 tweets
Oct 30th 2021
Coincidence of a series of coincidences ! This thread is for those who love 💘 #coincidences. A 🧵 ... 1/n
It is just a coincidence that the World Economic Forum (#WEF) and Bill Gates et al reviewed a meeting in 2019 and predicted about a possible future viral pandemic, just before the #COVID #pandemic. It must be another plain coincidence that a viral pandemic began exactly 2/n
.. in the place where there is a level-4 #virology laboratory (#Wuhan). It was a coincidence that, whole world followed China's #lockdown policy with ZERO #scientific and #economic basis. 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
1/13 I’m peering thru the Venetian blind again. A meditative focus on the world below. I’ve always been an observer of the ways & means by which media sources can create and direct public opinion. ATM both the #mask Vs #nomask & #vax Vs #novax camps are being played #Gaslighting
2/13 Both the #mask Vs #nomask & #vax Vs #novax camps are too polarized along political & social lines to recognize the #gaslighting being carried out across the political-economic-social spectrum.
3/13 In all the years I’ve been peering thru the Venetian blind I can't recall a single moment in history where public attention has been targeted at a single issue for such an extended period of time #Covid #mask Vs #nomask & #vax Vs #novax #Gaslighting
Read 13 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Jab bhi investment ki baat ho, we Indians always seek #Advice from ‘experts’ around us.

"Bata yaar kis stock mein invest karoon?"
"Reliance kaisa lag raha hai?"
"Chart kya bolta hai?"

We created STOCKEDGE CLUB to make these discussions easy, reliable & fun!

💡Here’s why-
🤗To make you self-dependent

The expert can be our friend, that uncle or celebrity investor on TV or social media sharing #Tips.

We trust them. But there is no #Accountability. And no one explains us WHY.

We did few things in StockEdge Club to solve this.

💡Here’s what-
📈24/7 Technical Analyst

Our #SEBI registered team of analysts will help you decode the price movement in any underlying and #guide you at every step of your trading #decision.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
It’s well known that our society is infected by concepts which make us unhappy, damage our communities and endanger the biological world. These concepts infect us, we become contagious, then we infect those around us.

We know the sort of concepts they are. They look like this:
–You need more
–Take, don’t give
–Winner takes all
–Greed is good
–Appearances matter
–Those in power deserve their power
–Those with wealth deserve their wealth
–It’s your fault you’re poor

Some of these concepts simply misinterpret Darwinism. Some are demographic falsehoods. Some are empirically false. All lead us to a dangerous outcome for our species.
I consider them viruses–contagious & malign concepts which are part of a mind plague that’s harming us all.

Read 45 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Jul 18th 2021
Superpower or 🤡? "Pakistan’s army & its Inter-Services Intelligence(ISI) play key role in Taliban offensive. Without logistical support from Pakistan, the Taliban would be hard-pressed to operate in such a widespread way".…
2/usa Superpower or 🤡? "Of course, Pakistan has been the Taliban’s patron since its creation in the 1990s.
It is impossible to defeat the Taliban as long as Pakistan provides sanctuary and safety, training, equipment and funds for the Taliban."..3/
3/usa #Clownanalysis101 🤡 "Pakistan cannot be defeated, as it is a nuclear-armed State and has the fifth-largest population in world. ...It is curious that Biden has so little to engage with Pakistan. He has yet to talk with Imran Khan." ☝🏼superpower is going to fight #China?😭
Read 61 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Apr 20 2021 Johns Hopkins: "#VACCINE DISINFORMATION - the Virality Project & started by #experts from multiple US #academic institutions, is using strategies [] to help #socialmedia platforms counter vaccine mis- & disinformation."

#TeamHalo is partnered w/ #Facebook & #TikTok.
Virality Project Weekly Briefing 13-Mar 23 2021:

"Anti-vax websites, including @ChildrensHD
reprinted the art. on Mar. 16. Various
anti-vax articles covering this have received 1.1K FB interactions combined & have been
shared across anti-vax Telegram groups w/ [] 82.6K users."
Those serving #people are framed as "conspiracy theorists", "anti-vaccine activists", & "anti-vaxx influencers". Those serving #capital, advocating experimental vaccines be tested on whole populations & children are "health & wellness influencers."
Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
#USA is a free democracy, #India is a "partly free" democracy
#FOE Japan is a free democracy, India is a partly free democracy: Compare the ratio of critical/unfavorable articles, to favorable articles, in the top 3 news sources in Japan & India respectively, to find which press is freer! #SciMe 1st data, 2nd Analysis, 3rd Policy/views!🧐🤔
3/demo #Majoritarianism & freedom: Compare treatment of minorities in USA(non-christian), Japan(Korean etc) & India (Muslims): In particular plot over 70yrs th % of minority pop on same graph & compare decadal changes[summarizes it's discrimination(in cntry) & opportunities(ROW)]
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Feb 20th 2021
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo Diferencie as coisas e atribua algum senso de #prioridades para uma nação continental, tal qual 👉🏿🇧🇷🔫:

"@ArthurLira_ minimiza troca na @petrobras e destaca apoio do @govbr à autonomia do #BC @BancoCentralBR"…
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo @ArthurLira_ @petrobras @govbr @BancoCentralBR #RespostaPadrão #DiscoRachado #PrerrogativadoPR

"Rodrigo Pacheco @rpsenador diz que #Bolsonaro tem prerrogativa para nomear #militares" | #Prerrogativa toma precedência sobre #estratégia de recuperação da nação? 🤔 É só concordar ou ponderar?… @Enfoque MS
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo @ArthurLira_ @petrobras @govbr @BancoCentralBR @rpsenador @Enfoque #RespostaPadrão #DiscoRachado #PrerrogativadoPR

“Não entendo isso como movimento de #militarização, mas de uma escolha de pessoas que, dentro da #confiança do presidente, possam exercer esses papeis. Se eu estivesse no lugar do presidente, meu governo seria composto...
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Jan 4th 2021
#COVID19 🇫🇷 [Thread] 1/n : 2020 Vs 2021 :
L'année 2020 avait déjà commencé très mal... Virus à Wuhan, #Pandemie Mondiale annoncée par l'#OMS et, c'est là que tout commence pour la #France :
1- Buzin : Le Virus restera à Wuhan, il ne rentrera pas en France...
On commençait le déni
2/n :
2- L'OMS annonce le 28/02/2020 que seules des mesures Nationales Fortes peuvent aider à contenir la Pandémie.
=> La France décide le 29/02/20 d'interdire les rassemblements de +5000 pers. en milieux clos. C'est tout.
"gagner du temps pour mieux se préparer" disent-ils...
3/n :
3- Les #masques : Le 24/01 la DGS demande à la SPF d'acheter 1,1M de FFP2, car "nous n'avons pas de stock stratégique"...
=> Nous envoyons 800K masques chir en Chine!
=> Il faut 40M de masques/sem...
=> Fin Février le Gvt Cde 200M
>Salomon dit "pas de pénurie de masques"
Read 21 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
1. The Yemen Syllabus shares must-read publications on #Yemen. These include books, reports & articles, broken down by theme. With 20 book recommendations, the Syllabus is sure to provide valuable insights for anyone looking for a general overview.…
2. Our Yemen Syllabus contains lists of journalists, academics, and analysts who have worked and published on #Yemen (in English). You can find their Twitter accounts curated on the syllabus, as well as some of their recommended publications.
3. Always a recommendation, Paul Dresch’s book “A History of Modern Yemen” is a definitive read for anyone seeking to understand pre-2011 #Yemen - as is @DrSarahPhillips’ “Yemen and the Politics of Permanent Crisis.”
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Nov 25th 2020
Aujourd’hui, j’ai un peu de #temps (je blague), et je tente un #thread #scpo sur la #démocratie, parce que c’est un tout petit peu d‘actualité. Et oui, je vais mettre des #mèmes Internet parce que, en vrai autocrate, je trouve cela très très drôle. Prêts ?
2) D’abord, la #démocratie, ce n’est pas la #République (la chose publique). La République, c’est moi...euh, c’est quand le #pouvoir est exercé par tout ou partie du peuple (exit la monarchie) et que les élus représentent plus que le peuple (la #Nation dixit #Sieyes).
3) Les #députés représentent l’intérêt #général plus que le peuple. Utile pour voter une loi impopulaire, comme l’interdiction de la peine de mort (#Badinter), ou la taxe carbone sur l’essence. Encore faut-il bien prouver l’intérêt général (n’est ce pas les gilets jaunes ?).
Read 34 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/29/2020…
Covid-19 expert Akiko Iwasaki fights a different virus: sexism in science…

#science #sexism #virus
Waiting for the Help That Was Promised in Eastern Kentucky | The New Yorker…

#stimulus #COVID19 #help #kentucky
Read 6 tweets

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