And once again, the root of the issue is human slavery.
But this time, it's not just those of African descent... it's black, white, hispanic, asian.
It's boys & girls.
It's sex.
It's sex with children.
It's the sale and trafficking of children and women.
It's those who are poor, and those who had hope for a better life.
And yachts. And drugs. And guns.
It's all a perverse interplay of predation for profit.
but they deliver only coersion and misery, and sentence their victims to lives of pain, shame, and undeserved regret.
This is a question of what it means to be human.
Humanity is a collective, and predators don't make for good neighbors.
But I'm going to make it perfectly clear what we're fighting for, and what we're fighting against.
We're fighting for justice, and fighting against injustice and the unjust.
At the expense of children, FFS.
Are you on the side of those who traffic in human suffering, or do you believe in returning to the core American values - opportunity and freedom for all?
IOW, our rights end where they begin to impinge on the rights of others.
- our freedom to express our religious beliefs end when it impinges on others' freedom to do the same
- our freedom to possess and choose how we control arms is limited when those arms put others right to life at risk
And these should be the easy problems. There are more we will agree upon, and others we won't...
The ones who seek to profit at our expense.
The ones who, if you were a 12 year old Hispanic girl, would have no qualms renting you out for a night, a week, or selling you for $8000.
They lack empathy.
They're devoid of compassion.
They're the human equivalent of Honey badger don't care.
And their selection of victims isn't determined by who you are - it's based on how likely it is that they can keep you quiet.
Never forget that.
It's a fight for the soul, the humanity of our nation.
1) knowledge about what they're doing
2) your heart
The first you can get your hands on too... but the latter is something they can never understand.
And when we wield that weapon, there's no battle they can fight where together we'd be unable to put these predators where they belong...
either back on the island they came from, or in a cage.
We'll let them choose.