No one thought Shirley Chisholm would last more than a couple of months, but at the 1972 Democratic Nat'l Convention, she received 152 delegate votes—10% of the total—amazing considering her skimpy campaign war chest.
Next year, the city of New York will erect not one—but two—statues in her honor near where she grew up in #Brooklyn #NewYork.…
The first Shirley Chisholm statue will be designed by Sterling Brown, Jr. in conjunction with the Crown Heights North Ass'n. It will be installed in July 2019 in Brower Park.
A maquette was unveiled 12/18.…
The second is scheduled to be installed outside the Parkside entrance of Prospect Park in 2020. The artist has not yet been announced for this project.
🇺🇸Al Sharpton honored her on first day of Black History month. #BlackHistoryMonth
"Shirley Chisholm embodies a lot of what we’re seeing on the political landscape today.

Via @washingtonpost When Congresswoman Barbara Lee was a student at Mills College in Oakland, CA, she told Chisholm that she was about to flunk a political science class because it required her to volunteer for a presidential campaign

Via @washingtonpost Lee thought all the candidates were men & she didn’t think electoral politics were the solution to issues affecting black communities. Lee told her professor to give her an F.

Via @washingtonpost Lee ended up helping organize Chisholm’s Northern California campaign effort. She said she got an A in the class and went to that year’s Democratic National Convention in Miami as one of Chisholm’s 152 delegates.

Via @washingtonpost Rep. Barbara Lee: “Shirley became a close friend & a mentor,” said Lee, who started her political career in 1990 in California State Assembly and was elected to Congress in 1998, representing parts of the Bay Area.

Via @washingtonpost Rep. Barbara Lee: Chisholm “taught me a lot and I saw how she operated with those guys in D.C. and had to fight her way into everything and stood her ground.”

Photo by: Alan Brownsten

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