“Please go home and ask your mother (sexist hindsight) for her favorite recipe and bring it in tomorrow morning”
My mother is a saint, and was a worker, not much of a chef tho..
“Mom, I need your
Sally asks without skipping a beat, I don’t have a favorite recipe. I have a favorite cereal though as she dove into a bowl of fruity pebbles..
The conversation pivoted and the cookbook forgotten for the evening..
I walked into the
Directions: Pull bowl from cabinet above sink. Snag Fruity Pebbles Box from cereal cabinet. Grab milk on way back to bowl. Don’t forget a spoon. Then do what you do”
Handed it to the teacher with a big smile..
Cereal is a staple of the McAfee family, and of many working families in the
Box tops were a bunch of bullshit tho.