Slide 25, request for funds from Healthy Nevada and TANF funds to support the Autism Treatment Assistance Program.
Assemblywoman Carlton: "That's exactly what I need on Friday morning, where's my donut?"
Answer: one employee possibly in another budget.
Q: no impact to children?
A: no
A: federally mandated to not have a waitlist. Will have new projections for March as well.
A: to be compliant, active IFSP (individual family service plan) is needed so they could be getting one therapy but need another. Part C does monitor closely.
A: under part C, need active IFSP and case management, we do have children waiting for some specialty services where there is no provider capacity in community. That is the service waitlist.
A: Provider capacity for specialists.
Q: Question re: part to full time position
A: Pediatric physician position was part time contact position. 20 yr physician served until Feb '17. Hard to fill the role, people want benefits.
A: based on our billing system, not a good data analysis to answer fully but we do believe it will help us with providing the services directly with children should increase Medicaid revenue.
Q from Assm. Carlton regarding market rates for physicians, will anyone apply that we would like to have?
A: Would be unclassified, belief it's comparable.
Assm. Carlton: true waitlist or waiting for eligibility?
A: true waitlist as of today: 340