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Feb 8th 2020
Here's a story that's funny, sad& scary all at the same time.

"Twitter Thanos-snaps, half the Avengers suspended"

Do I have your interest? Keep reading.

Tuesday, Feb 4th, the morning after the Iowa caucus kerfuffle, @1Ironman2020 posted a tweet cautioning against falling prey to propaganda hashtags meant to divide us. The tweet was IMMEDIATELY swarmed with bots& trolls.
Minutes later, Ironman & 9 other #HeroesResist members who had responded to the tweet, supporting it, were suddenly GONE. They'd been mass reported& suspended under false pretences. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Jun 6th 2019

The New York Times has compiled a list of the 84 environmental rules on their way out during your nightmare presidency.
Here are the ones that have been completed so far:
"1. Canceled a requirement for oil and gas companies to report methane emissions. (EPA)"
"2. Revised and partially repealed an Obama-era rule limiting methane emissions on public lands, including intentional venting and flaring from drilling operations.
(Interior Department)"
#ClimateChangeIsReal #ThursdayThoughts
"3. Loosened a Clinton-era rule designed to limit toxic emissions from major industrial polluters. (EPA)"
#PartyOverCountry #GreedOverEverything
Read 11 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
Seth's @SethAbramson lengthy thread on his take away from Barr's planned release of the redacted #Mueller report, the event's leading up to it, with links to related items. Definitely worth your time to read carefully. #GeeksResist #TheResistance #HeroesResist #VeteransResist
UPDATE 1: My friend Bryan @ "Why Now?' posted a blog with links to various related items of interest. Please check them out also.…
UPDATE 2: Digby @ Hullabaloo posted an article w/ a possible reason Mueller let Don Jr. off the hook so easily! Explanation by Election Law expert Rick Hasen. It was a bad decision by Mueller IMO.
#GeeksResist #TheResistance #HeroesResist #VeteransResist…
Read 6 tweets

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