He came here from Honduras after a gang threatened to kill him.
Here's what he shared with us today:
result of the diarrhea while we are in detention."
(Any doctors out there? Is this advice good advice? It sounds like terrible advice to us.)
gets sick—I’ve told them this repeatedly."
may be little, but he does not want to be here. I feel depressed knowing the effect that our prolonged detention is having on my son."
We're desperately need your help to tag @ICEgov and demand they release this family. Please do it now, and again in the morning if they are not released. We'll share any updates.
We just got word. Can’t believe it. This happened because of your pressure. Thank you.
But remember: lots more families are still locked up. They need to be released as well.
We're working to help the dad get medical care upon release.
We met them at the airport this afternoon. Exhausted, excited, scared, worried - but free. We're chatting to the dad about medical support and figuring out next steps.
Thank you all so much for your support. This would not have happened without you.